
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Wednesday and almost new year!  This is the last check in for the month and the year. Tomorrow I will have my 2023 recap. It has been a great but interesting year. I loved so many moments. My mental health took a back seat and I had to renew myself and get readjusted. Today’s mental health check in is about what does it really mean to be okay being okay?!

Where is your mental health state?

How you answer when someone asks if you are okay matters. We are conditioned to believe that simply answering quickly “I’m Okay” needs adjustment. What do you say when you are not without stepping into a prolonged conversation. I simply answer with, things are okay, I am working on a few things, and then that usually moves things along. This means that there are things on my plate that maybe are not okay, but it doesn’t open the door for conversation. If others were to ask me a follow up question and I am not ready to answer I usually would say, I am working on some things with my therapist and not ready to talk to you outside of that.

The tone is clear. It acknowledges that someone reached out to me which I appreciate but allows me to be able to hold on to what I want and speak on things that I want at the same time. 

Not Being Okay this year 

People say that it’s okay to not be okay. This means that I don’t have to come to the table jolly at every second. It’s okay for me to be down at moments. Not allowing it to take over my life is one thing. Here’s the thing that I have observed in being so honest and raw about my feelings is that people don’t really know how to let people not be okay without having the desire to want to fix them. Sometimes when you are having a moment you may desire to talk to someone in the sense of connection. It doesn’t mean that you desire for a fix or a change in result. There are times when simply sitting quiet in a few things that you have on your plate is okay.

Mental Health Changes for the new year 

There are a few things when it comes to your mental health that need to be adjusted as you see it come to life. When you notice that you are amid a heavy depression is one. Seasonal depression is in full swing now that the official winter months have taken place. However even when you realize that you are deep in it doesn’t mean you can simply snap out of it. For instance, last winter was super hard for me. This year to prepare for it I went to my family doctor and therapist to develop a plan with both at the same time to get through it a little better than last year.

This means that even though I was aware of what to expect as well as tools to help it didn’t absolve me from being or feeling stuck in those moments. Simply telling someone that they should “know” better is dangerous. Knowledge and emotions don’t always cancel one another. 

The Holidays

I did better than I expected this holiday. However, there was a strong spirit of grief that was in my home. My husband since losing his mom gets heavy around the holidays. It starts in October as that is the month she passed and lasts until after the New Year. It doesn’t mean that’s the only time that it comes. Most people understand that. Christmas is hard for so many. I have stated this numerous times in the blogs as well as content.

We did visit with my parents and siblings in Lancaster. The trip went by quick. However, it was just what we needed to connect with family and enjoy the day. Before Lancaster we enjoyed our own family time with the kid’s opening gifts, naps, and getting ready to go to see extended family. One of the take aways that I enjoyed about the day was keeping things causal and not making things so rigid. 

Mental Health Plan for the New Year, 2024

My personal mental health plan is to continue with therapy, increasing self-care as well as physical activity, continuing medication as prescribed by my doctor and increasing my journaling. In addition, doing more daily check ins more. My ideal of daily check ins is being honest about where I am and what I am feeling at any given time.

Again, I know this week has been hard since my last check in. Please be kind to yourself and others. Let’s prepare for the new year in the way that you seem fit. I can’t stand when people think that everyone must prepare the same way. Some people get planners, make new schedules and more. Others will simply let the new day come in and move along. Do what is best for you.

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