
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Well I’m hoping you’re day is going exceptionally well.  Today let’s talk about this term complicated.  Facebook has helped out with the acceptance of the term when reality it’s not complicated it’s just one or both parties haven’t decided to leave or end the relationship.

Complicated relationships is like playing Russian roulette and hoping for the best.  Anytime I’ve felt like I was in a complicated relationship it was always because it didn’t serve me anymore.  Yes it happens.  You are in a relationship and both parties stop doing the things they once did to get you.  Sigh.  However there are times when it’s more than that.

There are times in complicated relationships where the fights get more intense or they are so repetitive that even for a personality that is willing to endure the lows can make it even unbearable.  You try to talk it out, yell it out, etc but to no avail.  So you end up being in relationship limbo.  It’s the worst feeling in the world.

Now if you’re in a complicated relationship that’s not the green light to open another door.  Regardless of what you felt the other person has done to you, you played a part in this demise and the worst thing to do is bring in another person to the mix.  End the relationship that is causing you issues as well as deal with your issues.

Complicated relationships are the actual worst type of relationship to be involved in.  It’s better to be single than to stay in this world wind.  So if you find yourself in it my suggestion is to end it.  In ending it you will find the peace you need.  Also when something is dead let it go.  We don’t let go because our hearts are involved.  Your head and heart don’t always line up but you have to make the decisions to not allow negative space in your life.

The world around you knows you’re in a complicated relationship cause one you post something on social media either directly or indirectly, your smile is gone and when you’re with your significant other it’s almost like it’s out of obligation and not true happiness.  How long are you going to allow this dance to continue?  It’s up to you. I’ve been in this place many times and it boils down to being mature enough to end it and allowing yourself to know that you will be okay.  The pain is temporary especially in comparison to what you are feeling now. 

So the next time you tell someone that your relationship is complicated,  know that you bear the responsibility in making that end or choosing to stay and be miserable. 


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