
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

black woman doing yoga

Yoga is one of the best ways to help with self care and mindfulness. I use it religiously when I need to decompress and in-between my workouts. It is strongly suggested to use as a tool for in between workouts and definitely a part of your workouts in general. As much as you build community when you do yoga at a gym or yoga facility there’s some good benefits for practicing at home.

black woman doing yoga
Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

Create a Spot to Practice Yoga

Here’s the thing, not everyone has an aesthetic spot to do yoga. The good thing is that you don’t need one. As long as you have enough space to lay a yoga mat at consider wherever you lay the yoga mat to be your yoga spot. It is easy to get caught up in having one of those Pinterest or Instagrammable areas but it’s not necessary. So now that we have concluded that the best place to start is wherever you are, let’s focus on how to build your yoga journey.

woman and daughter doing yoga stretches
Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

To Schedule or not to schedule Yoga is the question

My life is build on schedules. It is hard for me to be random. So for me I immediately work yoga into my schedule. For instance Sundays are my 2 hour gym day. I know that by Tuesday I am going to need to have yoga into my world to avoid the tightness of my muscles and more. Build your schedule but be open to spontaneity. For instance, on down days I try my best not to plan but in the back of my mind I ask myself what I need to do for my physical, mental, and emotional health to be at its best for the day.

black woman doing a handstand for yoga
Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

I work that mental list and most times yoga is on the mind. I even convinced my husband to do the same. He has been enjoying it. I know when I am at a yoga facility or gym it can be around 45-60 minutes. At home I try to do at least 15-30 minutes. During this time I tend to pray and settle my mind.

Yoga at Home should be Easy

Don’t try to mimic your yoga to look exactly like what you are used to when it comes to being at a yoga studio. Make it easy. The easier it is for you to do it the more consistent it will be for you to stick with it. Be mindful of trying to make it harder on yourself. Also there are many benefits of yoga too!

  • Stress management
  • Strength
  • Heart health
  • Good sleep
  • Posture
  • Healthy weight
  • Blood pressure

Those benefits are going to be the byproducts of putting yourself first and pushing through to a better you.

What about the Clothes?

I love a good yoga outfit. However let’s be honest, if you didn’t have it, could you still do yoga? Absolutely. So don’t get too caught up. If you’re able the best thing to do to show up is look the part. Even with going to the gym I like to put the effort into what I wear. It can change the mindset in how you show up. It should also not cost you an arm and a leg. So what are some of the fits that I like to wear:

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Yoga is for all. Get the entire family involved. Dispel the thoughts that you have to be super flexible. You do not. You will build your flexibility over time. Also let’s dispel that people of a certain weight can’t do it. That is a lie. Some of the best yogis come in every size.

white woman holding a yoga mat
Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

What do you need for an at home experience?

  • Sports bra
  • Towel
  • Top
  • Water bottle
  • Headband
  • Resistance band
  • Shorts
  • Yoga mat/towel
  • Yoga pants/sweats
Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

Do not make it difficult. If you had a pair of sweats, top, and a towel-you are yoga ready. Here are my top yoga videos to watch on YouTube:

Yall remember my first time doing yoga? It was a mess. I was too caught up in what I should look like instead of enjoying the process. Don’t forget to enjoy the process. Namaste!

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