
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

David Adams is the name that Sydney Wong writes under. “How to have a Good Day” is one of the books you need under your must reads and must have. It’s a simple reading only consisting of 9 chapters, an Introduction, and a Conclusion. It can be read within a good hour but the gems are life changing!

Author, David Adams aka Sydney Wong

Gems to Change Your Life

There are a lot of life changing gems. Without recapping the whole book and having you use it as an excuse not to purchase the book, I’ll say 4 things that stuck out to me. If you have been following me for quite some time I talk about using planners all of the time. Using a planner is one of my best kept secrets to managing my entire life! Some people are super adverse to it and this is why reading “How to Have a Good Day” is a must have!

Reward isn’t Enough to Make a Habit

You really have to be intentional with turning things into good habits. I would say to myself if I’ve done well with working out I would treat myself to something as a reward. Rewards are good and you should utilize them but simply thinking that reward alone with make a habit more concrete isn’t it! We all know doing something for at least 30 days will make the habit stick. However being intentional with that habit is the part to focus on.


Make Yourself Happy

We define our happiness based on the responses of others. That’s not the way to think or respond. Also happiness comes from doing happy things. Like for instance what are your happy habits? An example is eliminating things out of your day that doesn’t serve you. Redefining what is a need or something that doesn’t need a time constraint. I had to learn that from reading the book. Using unnecessary time restraints is doing more harm than good. Happiness is a truly inside job! What are the things or people that you have in your inner circle that help cultivate happiness in and around you?

Girl writing

Simplifying Your Routine

We make things harder than we need to. We over exaggerate our to do list. Make the list and attack the worse of your tasks first. This way the things are the ones you enjoy or things you have less issues with are left to do. What are the things that have the most priority build your list around categorizing the times. Also if you’re reading this and you have no routine-get one. How are you starting your day? I start mine with mediation using the Calm App. I have my breakfast and water my plant. Make it simple and do it with ease.

Meal planning

Meal Planning

I dropped the ball. After the year in the Pandemic I resorted to making meals in real time. This isn’t working. Now I’m able to go back to meal planning. Meal planning is one way to ensure you’re getting a great meal and not having to stress over what to fix. Set a day and time to do it. Find simple meals to make. Enjoy the fact that the meals being made ahead of time really is helping in the long run. I had surgery this week and the peace that came from knowing my family’s needs were taken care of was great. I’ll be back to that going forward!

This book is so helpful. It breaks down how using a routine and balance is key to having a good day. Are you simply just existing in your day? Do you waste time and later feel bad about it? Are you working harder and not smarter? Let’s change that! Grab “How to Have a Good Day” now! It’s available as a E-book. For those who think you don’t have time it’s about an hour read from start to finish!

Conversations with Toi

Sydney Wong will be on the podcast tomorrow. We talk about the book but more about women in funding and how using the practical ways in the book is helpful!


Sydney Wong is an author as well as the Founder and CEO of VenturX. Her literature work, written under the pen name of David Adams, focuses on helping others be more productive and efficient. Sydney’s successful journey of her professional accomplishments have been shaped around one thing: balance. She likes to do yoga and cook to relive her stress and take a break from her work life.

Her core values consist of excellence, altruism, and drive, all of which have helped her be successful. With the current events happening and the world being on lock-down, Sydney has been committed to helping others stay on top of their game by coming out with How To Have A Good Day, a book which guides individuals on how they can keep up their routine while being stuck at home. Furthermore, she shares her best practices on her Medium blogs and through guesting on podcasts that share her values of excellence, altruism, and drive.

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