
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Welcome August. It’s a new month with new expectations. I didn’t get a good start on my day, but I do know that one moment doesn’t mean that my whole month is done. So, what will content shift look like? August is a reminder that we will be back to a routine soon. Enjoy summer and take it all in. However, know that getting back into a routine that will support the change in a new season soon come is important to put into practice sooner rather than later. 

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August Routine Switches and Preparation

Some people will wait until September to do so. However, I would caution taking small changes now. Things like working through a new sleep schedule is going to be helpful for your whole family. Kids will start going back to school and that means that parents are on the hook to get back into a cooking schedule, sleep schedule, and daily schedule. The time to switch is now or at minimum at least 2 weeks before the start of school. Do not wait. Start getting the kids down to bed on time and taking away their electronics. We do not allow electronics in the room during the school year. This is to ensure rest and rejuvenation happens. 

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Also, as great as it is to have a morning schedule, your nighttime routine is important too. Prep as much as you can at night. You know your family and what they need. Even if you are single prep at night. This will help to offset the mornings. 

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August is Family Fun Month

This month you need to increase your family time. It’s the month to pay close attention to it. I think it makes sense since so many will transition to a new schedule, grade, and more. What are you doing to foster family time? Are you doing more than just scrolling on your phones as a family? Take some time to do more together and spend time together. It could be as simple as in house movie night, camping, or even taking a small getaway before summer ends. Whatever you do play close attention to what you and your family needs to connect.

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Movement Challenge

I am challenging you to move more this month. It could be that I am deep into my fitness, but I am encouraging every reader of this blog to dedicate yourself to movement. Make a commitment to yourself to move for at least 15-20 minutes a day. Mark it off in your planner or calendar when you do. Highlight it if you can. The reason is seeing the color on your planner of movement will inspire you to keep going. So, start with today being the first of August and move a little. Take a walk in your neighborhood, go back to the gym that you pay for but don’t go. Do some steps while you watch your favorite shows. Whatever it is move and do it for you. Let’s check in online and see how you progress. 

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Happiness is your choice for August and beyond

This is the month to focus on your happiness. How do you create joy? Joy is not found in money or things. It can be created in how you move in this world. Finding something to look forward to is key. I use the national holidays to express that daily joy. There is at least one day that resonates with you. When it doesn’t no need to tell the world how it doesn’t. Just wait for your day to come. Joy is in waking up with gratitude. It doesn’t mean you can’t be disappointed or express it. Just don’t get stuck in it. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Personal Happiness

I am dedicating my happiness to being happy regardless of who I am around. When my husband and I first go together even in college I was so enamored that he became my joy. It caused me to have  unhealthy  boundaries. As we went our separate ways and I started to learn more of myself as we came together and had our family, I learned to do things on my own and for myself. Taking my happiness as my personal journey. A few years and therapy ago I stepped into a full on me journey. I have renewed that these last couple months in my weekly therapy sessions. For instance, going to the Broccoli City Festival was apart of that. Doing more things I love outside of the blog and media events has helped. Ignite your personal fire this month. 

Welcome August and all the joy, happiness, and family time that is to come. May your back-to-school journey for parents and teachers be blessed.


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