
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Monday! I hope today was an amazing day for you. For me and the few I spoke to reported their Monday to be one of the most Monday (iest) day yet. So how do you channel your energy on a Monday when you feel the day has gotten past you?!

Shift your Mindset

Even though today’s challenges has come with solution, keep in mind the challenge was more about pushing through. Your mind only needs to feed off negativity before it becomes consuming. I have written about how I personally use the National holiday calendar as a way to thwart off negative thoughts. For some they do a mind dump. Others chalk it up to Monday being Monday and remind themselves that if Monday was hard; Tuesday will be better.

No one is saying that you’re not entitled to have feelings. It’s how you process them and speak to yourself in those dark moments that matter.

Monday Better Days Ahead

When you remind yourself that better days are ahead you have the willpower to beat the Monday blues. Monday blues hit us all from time to time. Although we call them Monday Blues we know it can hit at any time of day. If you’re finding that joy is too far in between take stock on a few things:

  • What entertains you during the day
  • Who did you encounter
  • When was the last time you allowed others dump on you?
  • What can you change?

These questions will help you find your way!

Take an Entertainment Break

What you allow to entertain you can control you. For instance for a few years I took a reality television break. It was necessary. Although I was old enough to know that it wasn’t real television it still didn’t change the fact that the ways I would take on the stories of these characters was beyond ridiculous. Listening and watching people fight and curse each other out wasn’t good for me. This is no dig to anyone who watches it. We have choices to make. So I stepped back to cleanse myself of that mental state and recharge my atmosphere with better options.

Bad Communication corrupts Good Manners

Now this lesson I learned from church. I used to think of it being a way my parents wanted to deny me being around friends. However there is some truth to it. For instance in the short time that my oldest has been in high school I can tell the caliper of kids she’s been around by the language and mannerisms she’s using. Although they aren’t necessarily bad, it still gives me insight on her circle.

Be selective on who you are around. When I was younger I started complaining about how everything. I later learned that I was used to doing it by the people I hung around. When your circle is elevated you will elevate too!

Monday Mental Dumps

I’m a fan of mind dumps. This usually happens by writing everything good or bad that comes to your mind down. People dump all of the time. They tell you about their issues and dramas and if you’re not careful you end up taking it on too. Be honest with loved ones when you’re not in the space to accept the dumping. It’s okay to be vigilant about your headspace and capacity. Tell them you’re not comfortable with the way the conversation is or has been headed. Some people will be unhappy with the choice you’re making to take care of you. Do it anyway!

Monday Controls

You have to be able to think about what you’re able to control and what you can’t. If it’s beyond you-don’t over exert yourself. Find better ways to handle your emotions and feelings. Since the power you have stops at the tip of your nose, remember that when you’re wanting those in your inner circle to do something beyond their comfortability to do. It’s okay to not control every player in your world. You don’t have to have and shouldn’t have yes men and women in your general circle. Allow grown folks to be grown even if that decision isn’t good. People have a right to exercise their consciousness and you have a right to step back.

Hey Monday happens to all of us. You are surviving and thriving. Turn your Monday around and end on a high note. Eat a great dinner, go to bed early, prepare for tomorrow, and find one activity that feeds your soul today!

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