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When people don’t see home ownership as an attainable goal, they live in a way that gets them further and further away from the stability. Many people seek and desire home ownership but have barriers that prevent them from doing so. With Habitat for Humanity Chester County, they help make that a reality. So here is how the Hops for Homes event went.

What is Hops for Homes?

This was a beer fest that allowed patrons to purchase tickets. In return they enjoyed beers of all sorts as well as some wines. Thanks to the generous donations of the beer companies represented. The ticket sales went towards the fundraising. In addition, there was live music, food trucks, and a little shopping while supporting small business owners. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Personal Story of Homelessness

My mom, twin, and I lived in a shelter growing up. I don’t remember the details as to how we got there but I do know that time was hard. Eventually we were able to get back on our feet and move into a home, but it wasn’t an overnight journey. So how did I feel during that time? As a kid my mom was honest. She let us know that just because we were in a shelter, we didn’t have to look like it. My mom taught us to keep our space clean, our heads up, and to treat our space as if it was a home. She would say if you can manage a small space, you can manage bigger when it comes.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Those lessons stuck with me as I now am in my own home. I never forgot that. She would cry when she thought we would sleep. I can imagine that many people do as they long for more but no plan in sight. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Hops for Homes Reality

Again a few words that everyone wants to hear when they have gone from displaced to their forever home are the words, welcome home. Welcome home means that finally I can live in peace. I can make space for me and my children so that they too can repeat the dream of home ownership. I have seen over the years how Habitat for Humanity has done amazing jobs with fundraising to bring about hope and joy for others. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Even if you didn’t attend the Hops for Homes that doesn’t mean that you can’t do your part. You can give a donation that can truly make a difference. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Fun Event for Hops for Homes

Chester County Habitat for Humanity did an excellent job with the space that they had. They were across the street from the Exton Mall parking lot. They turned that space into an oasis of fun and hope. Many people were out for the beautiful weather. Many people doing their part. I met so many that enjoy supporting Habitat for Humanity in any way that they can. It was pure joy in fundraising form. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Thank you to Chester County Habitat for Humanity for having me. I enjoyed the outing. Remember even if you didn’t attend you still have an opportunity to donate. Your donation can take home ownership from dream to reality and change lives for generations to come. Want a recap of the event? Check out Instagram for the recap in video form.

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