Welcome to the holidays where people will be taking off and spending time with their family and friends. With spending time there could be a sense of guilt. It’s not that you don’t know it’s earned. Its the ability to let your guard down and take in a time well spent.

Guilt Free Time Off
Take your time off. One thing you should know is that it is your time. Take it. These jobs do not care. You don’t get a badge of honor from going to work burned out daily. Take your time. Especially if you can’t roll your time over. Take it. Put in the request now. Many people take off the week of Thanksgiving or after and then into Christmas into the New Year too. Take your time. Feeling guilty? Ask yourself what level of of people pleasing are you on? Your boss won’t have a problem taking their time. PTO means prepare the others. Guilty feelings about things that are due to you comes from worrying about what others think. It’s your time they should be thinking enjoy.

So Let’s Book in a Reset
I am big here on the blog about a reset. Resets are good for your mental health. A reset can make the difference between a mental breakdown and a mental breakthrough. I would rather you be on the breakthrough then on the breakdown. You are deserving If you are struggling with knowing you are deserving where did that come from? For instance many women especially Black women are learning that the concept of a soft life is something that is attainable too. Making life be as comfortable as possible is the name of the game. It doesn’t take away from being strong or being the boss. For instance with our kids they work hard, see me and my husband do the work, but if my husband and I want to make their lives a little more comfortable from what I had as a kid doesn’t make them a brat. A brat is made when kids are entitled.

So yes a reset is necessary and well deserved. You don’t have to do more to get it. The day you signed up for work you were given days. Use them or lose them.
Content Creators working Smarter
No matter what digital space you are in make sure you are setting up the rest of the year to be in your best possible way. This means that you preset your content. I am almost done with presetting. I plan to have December preset so that any present time content will not take that long. Also I am not doing any heavy editing for the rest of the year. Most of the events that I am attending are repeats. So my editing turn around time will be quick and that’s it. I have blogs that I will be editing soon. The goal is still enjoy. I want to be play with the kids. Take in time with them. Enjoy a glass of wine or cocktail and have preset downt time.

Yes online never sleeps. However Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Pinterest allows you to preset your content. You should have your items set so you can forget it and moved on. Even YouTube you can do the same thing. Set it and enjoy a good meal, sleep in, shop, hang out with friends, and more.

Guilt Free Today
I know that guilt is not something you can simply tell yourself is wrong and instantly change. It’s a mindset. It could come from your childhood of feeling you’re never enough. Also from people in your world that attempt to make you feel bad for choosing you in many instances. Either way, set the vacation. Make the trip. Take off to do nothing. The more you do this and get used to making your time work for you the more it will make it easier for the guilt to fall off of you.

However, its time in my Mariah Carey voice. Make the changes today. You are deserving of rest. Make it happen now.