
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Well it’s almost a month into the New Year so it’s time to do a goal check-In.  How are you doing?  Has the fizzle of the new goals, died?  Well it’s time to keep pushing.

Goals are best completed if you break them down.  If your goal is to lose a certain amount of weight, have you broken it down?  Have an overall weight goal and then make a small monthly goal that will help you get there.  So if you’re feeling overwhelmed with your goal you may need smaller distractions to get you on point.

One of the goals I know a lot of people have is to find love.  My question is what have you done to invest into yourself?  What do your finances look like? Get with an accredited credit counseling program or invest in obtaining a licensed financial planner.  Why? We claim we want a certain amount of attributes from a potential mate but then we don’t align our lives to receive it.  What about investing into some healthier cooking options.  No I’m not suggesting that women belong only in a kitchen, but if you don’t think you need to have a few culinary skills you are sadly mistaken.  Get your game up.  I’ve said this before it’s going to take more than some cute thighs and wet sheets to keep a man.

Where’s your mind and heart? If you need to get rid of a few bags this is the time to do so.  Erykah Badu said it best and you need to let it go.  Bags that are filled with past hurt, regrets, anger are all too much weight to carry into the rest of the year.  Drop the bags and the charges.

Whatever your goals are, if you have fallen off, get up and push forward.  The worst part of a goal is quitting.  You tell yourself that you can’t press forward but that’s not true.  Push and make it a reality.  No harm in complaining but turn those complaints into some changes. Find things that inspire you.  If you haven’t done so head over to the dollar store and get you some cheap supplies and make a vision board.  Then take a picture of that vision and keep it on your phone.  Your mind should always look for ways to make improvements.  Revamp and get it done.

Lastly if you have done one or more of your goals without breaking focus-pat yourself on the back. Small victories are life’s little gems of reminders that you are well on your way to greatness!!


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