
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

There are many of us looking to see where we fit in when it comes to making a living. Often many times we are jobs that we do not like with no plan insight. However, there are things that you can do to boost your side hustle into your main. I am going to give you personal tips that I have actively used in order to inspire you. 

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Work like it’s a Full Time

When I first blogged, I wasn’t consistent at all. I would do a blog post once a week and sometimes not at all. There was no definitive day or time that readers could count on me to write a blogpost. You can’t in this case build a business even a hobby without being consistent. So, I went from once a week to twice a week and that was enough for a great start. It didn’t matter how tired I was I was dedicated to bringing content on those two days and make sure it was excellent quality that others wanted to read.

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After I mastered how to be consistent, I ran the blog as if it was a full-time job. This meant that I triple checked the quality to make sure I would be proud of it. People think that you wait until you have a brand deal to give brand deal content. That is not true. You must do everything as if the most important people to you will have eyes on it. I also made sure that I worked in integrity so that meant when brand deals started coming that I learned to say no to the ones that didn’t support the bottom line. All money isn’t good money-ask me how I know. 

Get Some Help with your hobby

If you want to be the best, you must align with those who are the best. So do not be afraid to ask for help. I had to learn now to format my blogs to be appealing to the eye of both the reader and the potential companies. Then I became coachable. This means that when someone offers a suggestion to stay out of my feelings. For instance, my first webpage was merely for others. This means that I wasn’t making a page for others to enjoy or get what they came for. It was a by-product of me and that needed to change. 

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Be Professional in All you do

While working on your hobby even if it is for a product, be professional. From the start you make the cadence of what you are putting out in the world and be professional when you do it. This is from your socials to your customer service to the emails that go out. Make everything and everyone working for you understand the why.

Why are you starting this hobby?

It’s okay to start as something to do, fill in time, or branch out into something that you are interested. Even if you were like me and aren’t looking to make it into a business make sure that you understand that you can. If future, you are requiring you to understand the assignment make sure you do that now. Why are you doing what you are doing? What are the goals? Be clear even sometimes reminding yourself of that as you grow especially. 

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Don’t be Quick to Quit your day job

You must have a plan for sustainability. Until your hustle can finance at least 6 months to a year of your business I wouldn’t quit your day job. Instead, take money and set it aside. This is a nest egg that will help you be more successful. Also know that others around you may not understand the vision. Instead of wanting them to keep working. Eventually the right people will understand the vision and can help you grow instead of making it hard for you to walk in the vision. 

Hobby for you or others

Get the proper financials in your corner. Think about accountant, lawyers, and more that you will need to be in your corner backing you in your endeavors. Take the time to get a team. DO not think the team is going to suddenly appear. When I started, I had to build up to a team. It can be discouraging seeing others move in faster races then you. Your race is your pace, and you are looking to be around for a long time.

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Enjoy your time while you do what you do. Keep it a hobby until you are ready to flourish in a business. Be professional, be coachable, and be willing to get help when you need it. All great ideas can be supported by moving in a place that honors you.also if the hobby is just for you and you have no desire to monetize it-that’s okay too! Enjoy it!

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