
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend. From a slow in media events to preparation for the upcoming school year this week has been good and trying. What’s happening this weekend and what you should have on your radar. Here is your weekly recap.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Broccoli City Festival Friday Rewind

I have already completed a blog on this but here are some other take aways. One if you haven’t scheduled yourself a staycation or exploring a new city, I highly suggest it. It could be enjoying the food, learning about the culture and more but I really need to go back to DC to do some more exploring. The hospitality is unmatched. In addition, there are great place to brunch and eat too. Make DC a visit if you are able.  

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Summer Aunt Duties

I am currently using my downtime to plan for my Auntie week next week. We will be doing it all. From beaches to locations, it will be like a vacation for them. My goal as an aunt is to make sure that they enjoy themselves. I am the aunt who does the most and trust me they know it. What I am looking forward to most is making memories. They know they can count on me to be there and show up. I am excited for the opportunity to explore Philadelphia and beyond with them. 

Friday Down Time

This week has been more of a down time. However down time for me looks like invoicing my clients, working on blogpost, securing more deals. I am happy to report August is going to be amazing. There are some changes that will be taking place. I will be showing some behind the scenes and not just the highlighted reels of things. So, get ready. During this down time, I went to the nail salon and got my hair braided. The Dog Days of Summer is here, and I need to not let my hair be a worry. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Nifty Fifty’s

This past weekend as if I wasn’t doing enough in DC, I got back home gathered the family and met my friends at Nifty Fifty’s. This restaurant has a 50s feel to it. They serve great food for not a lot of money. Its perfect for families to enjoy. For me it took the art of cooking dinner after being on the road to a no brainer moment. We had a great time. If you haven’t been here in Philadelphia and surrounding areas, you must try it. They are known for their milkshakes which come in flavors that couldn’t be duplicated even if they tried. The ones like Butterscotch Krimpets to the classics. Thank you to the staff for such a warm reception and service.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Conversations with Toi Friday Podcast Drop

I am back with a new episode. On this episode I talk about your mental health and relationships. If you are in a relationship with someone and they are bringing you down it will affect the way you look at life, yourself, and most importantly your mental health. Most women are in a constant state of frustration and more when they are in relationship with someone who isn’t a good fit, abusive, or down right mean which is a form of abuse. Listen, share, and review. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Delaware The Grand and The Arts

Delaware is stepping with big shoes with the arts and it’s time to get excited. From ballet to opera as well as orchestra be prepared for some amazing acts. From Tina Turner to Mean Girls theatre is about to be on fire. In addition, there is plenty of community events some of them that are free. The purpose is to bring the arts to all without issue of not affording it. Make sure you check out their website to find out all the information and to get your tickets now. 

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Weekend Ahead

My son has a basketball tournament. Today is also my husband and I’s wedding anniversary. We are celebrating 12 years today. For the rest of the weekend, we are keeping it low key. I took the time to get all my younger kids school supplies. Some I had left over from last year and some that was new. In addition, I always buy extra to send in for the teacher to have items to pull from. Our school’s parents are good at sending in supplies all year long. I have been seeing on Tik Tok that many parents were upset that the supplies they send in for their student was being placed in a community pool. I would if that were my case feel the same. Please if you can send in more for the teachers. They are already underpaid as it is. 

If you are looking for some free events in Philadelphia, Visit Philly as you covered. That is all that I have. Enjoy your weekend. I plan to add in significant self-care moments, and I encourage you to do the same. Welcome August and happy Friday. 

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