
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Friday review

Happy Friday. What a week! Less media events doesn’t mean the week wasn’t busy. So what went down, what is happening in the city this weekend and more? Let’s get into the week’s recap and cheers to the weekend!

Giargiari Bel Canto Competition

Last Friday I spent my evening attending the Giargiari Bel Canto Competition. Think of it as the American Idol of the opera world. It was fantastic. The showcasing was full of excellent talent. I have to also give it to the Pianist and Music Director, Danielle Orlando. Her hands were magical as she accompanied every contestant. The best part is that we the audience played a part too. We were able to select one winner in addition to the star studded judges.  The panel of judges included, Stephanie Blythe, mezzo soprano, Maestro Joseph Colaneri, Conductor and Music Director, and Alex Fletcher, Fletcher Artist Management. Again I can’t stress how important the arts are. Participating in them is crucial. I am so honored to have these opportunities.

Photo credit is Morgan Horell

Winners were:

First Place-Lydia Grindatto

Second Place-Benjamin Dickerson

Audience Choice: Angel Raii Gomez

Penn State Alumni Vibes- Last Friday Recap

We took the kids to their first Penn State game. We have taken them on campus many times and several times a year. However, this was their first game. Between that we also saw the game in the midst of the rain and storm. It was super cold. We got all the way through all of 3rd quarter and some of 4th before we left. It was a bit overwhelming for the kids but they did well. I also included what to take and do before you go to a Penn State game or any other Fall/Winter game.

Penn State

Blogs you May have Missed

We are on a new writing streak. I usually take one day off out of the streak, but we have been hitting the blogs super hard and will continue to do so until the end of the year. So with that being said here are the blog you may have missed:

How to Jump Start your Fall Wellness

Monday Motivation: Selfish Philly

Ways to Help Others during these Hard Times

Mid Week Check In

Kids First Penn State Game

Elevated Barbeque Vibes at Stickman Brews

Conversations with Toi

A new episode is out and we are talking about Motherhood. This was requested from a group of new Moms who needed some insight on getting back to She. Motherhood isn’t as easy as it looks. The changes, the snap back etc all weighs on you. So when you as a new or seasoned mother struggles be patient and kind to yourself. The episode is going to have some truths to it. So make sure you listen and share the episode to someone else. Not just the Moms but also the support systems to the Moms.

Conversations with toi podcast cover

Self Care for the Week

I have enjoyed some of the slowness of the week. The days that I didn’t have anything I enjoyed rest, and some good food. As a Mom I enjoyed my family too. Not to mention my hair and nail appointments were amazing ways to unwind. This weekend I look forward to some down time. No media events in sight. So I can’t wait to report back on the goodness. The weather looks like it’s going to be beautiful.

Mental Health Day Friday Preview

Monday is Mental Health day. This is a day to celebrate the fact mental health is not only real but a part of our daily health and wellness. I will be of course sharing resources and more as I always have. As much as it’s one day, I want us to learn to be accepting of others in their most rawest of forms beyond the one day. It’s okay to not be okay. As we continue to learn more about what wellness as it is a personal journey, we will need to work towards making mental health initiatives more affordable for all.

Friday mental health

Tabitha Brown and Cooking From the Spirit

If you have ever heard of Tabitha Brown you know what a treat hearing her at her book tour. She is just a jewel. I was introduced to her, by my bestie Kyla. She sent me her Instagram page a few years and I have been watching her ever since. She now only has a clothing line at Target, a show, It’s Compliated, a children’s show, Tab Time, and more. Her book tour was amazing. We got to hear more of her story, and she dropped all kinds of gems. It was nice for me to be there and take Kyla. It was full circle. A special thank you to the Kimmel Center for having me. Instant joy and smiles as we left.

Friday review

Welp that is it for now. Have a great weekend. I will be back on Sunday with our focus on wellness. Happy Friday and cheers to weekend!


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