
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

self care

Happy Friday and cheers to the weekend. What a week it has been so let’s get into all of it.

Finally Negative

So I’m finally negative with Covid-19. I went above and beyond what the CDC stated as a waiting period. I tested multiple times to be sure that I was negative. I also delayed any and all media events to be sure that I was cleared. With that being said I have to say as someone who shares her life on my blog and various others platforms it’s not uncommon to get questioned on what and why I do what I do. I experienced that this week. I was direct with my response. When it comes to Covid-19 I have done everything to keep myself and my family safe. Us getting Covid-19 wasn’t a result of any media event. To protect others I have and will continue to make sure I take the health of others as a top priority.

self care

Pretty Woman The Musical

I was supposed to get the blog review completed have not fear it’s ready and edited and will be available today around noon. If you haven’t seen Pretty Woman the Musical please consider seeing it before it ends on Sunday. The show is amazing in every way and such a great production. Tickets are available! I enjoyed the show with my girl, Elle of Siponwhat.

Pin it for later

Breathwrk Friday Help

Have you ever used breathing exercises to help with anxiety, wellness, or stress? It’s a great tool to assist you when you need it most. If you are a newbie to breathing exercises you know how overwhelming it can be to start. Breathwrk is a app that you can download for your phone. It helps you with breathing and it’s easy to use. You’re already on your phone as it is. Use the phone to help with your self care. Also it helps with wellness issues such as sleep or migraines, sinus issues, and even stomach issues. Use the app and check out my Reel to show you how to use it. I can also answer any questions you may have.


Virtual School

So my kids haven’t been back since before the holidays, with that being said we are now back to virtual. What I like about this time as they can work on their own pace. I am loving them being home. At first I was a little hesitant but it’s been quite a wonderful experience. I’m grateful for us not having to scramble to be flexible. The freedom of having my own schedule has been helpful. I hope for the parents who aren’t as fortunate that the schedule gets easier. I’m not fully sure when they will go back but we shall see.

Toi of Toitimeblog

Conversations with Toi Friday Drop

We are back with episode 11. This episode we talk about preferences and peace. This week has set off a storm of podcast that are talking about the preference to not date Black women. The preference alone is not a problem. When I hear men say they don’t date Black women takes no skin off my back. If they say they don’t date Black women due to ALL Black women being “ghetto” and any other description that is my issue. The second topic for this week, is peace. When I first started therapy it was based on interactions that I had with others. Everyone at one part has blamed others for their issues when all along it was you that was the problem. We talk how to interacts with others as you seek inner peace. Remember the podcast is available on all podcast platforms. Review, share, and subscribe always.

Conversations with toi podcast cover

Blogs you May have Missed This Week

I missed Monday Motivation but I needed an extra day of healing. So we will be back with Monday Motivation next week.

Where to Get Started with Goals

Wednesday Mid Week Check-In

What if You have no Goals

Dry January and Veganuary

If you are looking to continue your Dry January I support you in it. I am not personally indulging although with being sick I haven’t had many drinks this month. Dry January is a great way to reset. You may also be resetting yourself in how you eat. A lot of people are participating in Veganuary. I applaud the effort. I hope that you are able to make it a lifestyle change. Even if you aren’t I encourage you to add some plant based options in your life. The benefit such as digestive health is a great way yo start out the New Year.

Dry January

I suggest and love Splendid Spoon as it helps in those regards. Food, smoothie, health shots, and desserts that are premade so you can have the convenience to simply have good foods readily available. If you are in Philadelphia and you are doing Dry January I suggest, Harper’s Garden, Juno, Lola’s Garden, Craft Hall, and Rosy’s Taco Bar as some amazing options for great mocktails.  This is a great way to enjoy your Friday vibes and keep your health initiatives.

drinking water in the morning

So this weekend will be low key. There is a storm that is supposed to come Saturday into Sunday. So at best I will be cooking and relaxing with the family. Martin Luther King Remembrance day is Monday. I hope that you are living the dream more than just posting posts on Monday. Enjoy your Friday and weekend. Cheers (dry or not) to doing somethings that build you up. I plan to finally work out as I am feeling better. If anyone is like me and hasn’t done their vision board, I’ll be doing mine this weekend too. 

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