
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Happy Friday! It’s been quite some time since we have done a Friday Checkup. A lot of that has to do with me attending Blogher Health 20 in LA. I am sure by now you have caught up. If not hit the link. We are moving full steam ahead with Women’s History month and with that being said we will need a few more women to participate. If you are interested in telling your story to be featured in this blog in the month of march please consider by emailing me at [email protected]

Friday Moves

When women say things like why me? I remind them that we all have something that we need to talk about. As different as we all are, we are more alike than we give credit. We go through things that we all resonate with. I want to showcase that to women so we can learn from one another, grow with one another, and heal with one another. We are all unique and that’s what makes us able to be unified.

So now that we have that in there what has been going on? A lot. I have some serious family issues that will be taking place in March. So, the month is going to be a little crazy. I may have to decrease my events to accommodate but I won’t be decreasing blogs as I am preparing them early as I always do. I do ask that you keep my family in your prayers. I will share as I am able to later.

Adjustment from BlogHer

I am still trying to adjust from Blogher. I know that seems a bit crazy, but I never took a break before or right after and with covering Philly Theatre Week right after, it was a mess as far as my level of tiredness. However, these are the moments I prayed for. Also, I am quite sure I didn’t announce but I am a Kick Sugar Crew Ambassador for Smart Sweets. I am all for balance in life, so this allows me to have my candy and eat it too with less sugar consumption. So, if you are ready to have your sweets and dump a diet and be balance like me give them a try.

Smart Sweets Friday

I am enclosing my link so you can order them and have them delivered to you. Use code “toitimeblog” to get free shipping on orders of $30 or more! The benefits are since they fly off the shelve with ordering them you won’t have to worry about your favorite store not having them. Trust me I tried to find them in bulk in places and they are scarce. Also, each bag is one serving. I feel this is awesome, so you don’t have to count the pieces (I am sure you weren’t anyway) and yet feel happy to have candy that is better for your 2020 health goals. 


I have been doing well and yet find myself having struggles. I am listening more and talking less, and I find that in that I hear people’s true intent. I don’t like it. I don’t like how I missed things that happening around me and it’s not because I am busy. It’s more or less along the lines of giving people passes based upon relationships which I thought I was over. I am moving in the right direction with the help of a therapist to place appropriate checks and balances where its needed. I have always said when you find yourself in constant space of irritation to look within instead of attacking others. Often, it’s an irritation of things not spoken up that you attack others with that need your inner attention.

Birthday Celebrations

We also celebrated my youngest 6th birthday. I enjoyed of honoring her life as well as no events no blogging and sleeping in. it was very needful. This weekend I have some limited events and I will be enjoying low-key sweatpants and no-frills Saturday. That is at least what I hope to happen. Shout out to my husband who has been helping me along the way. Doing things like taking things off my plate.

Cooking and helping around the house. Together as a team we have been smashing all the goals. I am grateful for seeing him moving in that direction instead of spending time complaining. Learning to speak up for what I need and not making him play mind games as if either one of us majored in mind reading in college.

Where are you Spring?

I am looking forward to the spring!! So many new opportunities are already on my calendar that I can’t wait to share them all. Summer is looking to be great too. 

I got into The Broad Street Run for my 3rd year. My weekends will be full on run preps with 2 workout days in the week for balance! I’ve already watched and will decrease my alcohol intake as if I’m honest that’s the most that I indulge in at any given time since my food is now disciplined. I’ve only missed one run from January until now but made that run up during the week! That’s a great thing. The run is one week before my birthday and with birthday plans already in the works I look forward to crushing this goal and look even more amazing doing it!

I hope you too have a weekend that you enjoy and remember to do something for yourself that feeds you. It should be something that brings contentment, love, joy, and smiles on your personal face. Something that isn’t contingent on someone else having to do for you. You can make yourself happy that when someone else does something it’s an overflow and not a source-remember that one! Happy Friday

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