
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

If you follow me on Toi Time on Twitter and you should (toitimeblog) you know that I have been extremely overwhelmed lately.  I have a family member who is in critical condition with their health and that has taken up a lot of my time right now.  I am not ready to blog about that as of right now but I am sure that I will when the time is right.  So between trips back and forth to the hospital as well as working a full-time job, and my kids I think its safe to say that my time has been limited.  I decided to take the time to get into my regular routine.  First let me just say shout out to some of my amazing friends and family who not only reached out but they have shown great amount of support in just this week.  You guys have no idea how much that has helped.  Kisses of love to you all!!

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With that being said outside of being mentally and physically drained I am super happy to blog today.  I really feel the need to catch up with all of you.  Today in Philadelphia is a cold and dreary day.  I am just glad to be at work. I know ain’t it weird that when life is throwing shade and lemonade that work can be a great outlet.  I am wired differently than most.  Can you believe it that it is the day before the first day of October. Take a moment to take that in.  We will have another month down.  What have you done with your valuable moments of life?  I am excited to be putting the finishing touches on my upcoming blogiversary.  Yes almost to 2 years.  I am super excited about that.  In no time another year of pouring out my heart, telling on myself, and real growth is upon ToiTime. Keep in mind with celebrations comes prizes, so if you want to be apart of that get tuned into my facebook page at:  All announcements will most likely come from there.

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I will answer some Ask Toi today so get your reading glasses on.  I don’t know about you but rain always makes me want to snuggle up and read.  If that is you, play a little catch up with us.


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