
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Finding Fassbender

I had the elite privilege of attending the production of Fassbender. Fassbender is being shown at Inis Nua theatre here in Philadelphia. It’s a woman show that showcases Amy Frear as Eve. Eve sets on a journey to return a piece of mail to Michael, an old resident of her flat. This adventure will definitely pull on the imagination of Eve as she figures out what she really wants to do with her life. This production is directed by Tom Reing who is also the Founder and Creative Director. The Playwright is Lydia Larson. Finding Fassbender runs until February 27, 2022.

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Safety Protocols

Like most if not all places of entertainment and dining, all patrons must show proof of vaccination. In addition, all are required to make sure that they also wear their masks during the duration of the play. The play runs for 70 minutes without intermission.

Finding Fassbender

One Actress Show

In this production, Amy plays all of the roles. She is extremely talented. It’s not easy to play several roles at the same time. Plus its all done with an English accent which is my favorite part. We meet Eve as she delivers the eulogy at her aunt’s funeral. She is sick with emotion and trying her best to get through. It actually reminded me at my first funeral as a child. I was so sick at just being at the funeral that I too got sick. We see Eve vulnerable and from that vulnerability we meet the rest of her family. We realize that Eve is really a woman who is a little insecure. This journey of Finding Fassbender will awaken those insecure moments.

Art Imitates Life

As much as Eve shows her vulnerability there are a lot of life lessons you can gain from this show. Everyone has had those moments where we make decisions based on circumstances or others around us. Eve learns for herself through the series of running around looking for Michael what she likes and things about her ability to adapt. She learns how to dance and other things that she wouldn’t have pushed herself to do otherwise. Her determination is both a learning lesson but a hilarious adventure.

Expectations of Finding Fassbender

Come prepared to laugh. It really is a great play. Although its only one actresses who plays many parts do not think that it means that production is low because its not. The production team did an outstanding job with this one. I love coming to Inis Nua because the staff is extremely pleasant and welcoming. I went on Sunday and it was a very snow day. Yet in still everyone in the theatre was happy to be back in live theatre again.Finding Fassbender

Without giving anything away, does Eve find Fassbender? Well that is something you will have to see. However you should find yourself getting tickets before it ends on February 27th. Also plan to come early to show you proof of vaccination and identification. Due to the show being only 70 minutes and no intermission, there is no entrance after the production has started or should you leave out of the audience.

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