
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Fall is on the way and that could trigger an onset of emotions. Seasonal Depression is not just for the Winter. It can happen at any time. So, if you see that you are experiencing the summerblues, please know that you aren’t alone. Here are some ways that I work on my potential seasonal depression as it begins in the later part of Fall.

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Being Prepared for the Fall

Sometimes just being prepared goes a long way. This means knowing that it could happen is helpful. When you act as if it’s not a possibility or that it’s not going to happen a lot can happen to you internally. It’s okay to not want it to happen I think I can speak for us all and want that. It’s another to know that you must understand your triggers to be prepared for it. So, knowledge and having a plan is helpful. Being prepared also means knowing what steps you plan to take. What are some steps you could take?

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• Know what triggers you

• Plan an emergency plan

• Journal your thoughts and sometimes your actions when triggers take place

• Having a first line of defense: Medication (temporarily, self-care, therapy, and a visit to my family doctor for assistance

Fall Helpful Matters

Taking care of you will be helpful. People usually don’t understand that often the little things is what deepens the Fall fallout. For instance, get and be committed to your general health. I just started on new vitamins, Gruns. They are a one pack of vitamins that are easy to grab and take as they are gummies. In addition to taking my vitamins I am also making my eating and water intake a priority. I end my day most times with physical activity, and I have a new Fall journal to write out what I am feeling. These are surface levels items you can do. Whenever I find myself amid a breakdown it’s usually one or more of the above items, I slowly stop doing.

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Not taking my vitamins, making excuses for not going to the gym or doing a homework out and before I know it-it hits me. I am amid a trigger, and I don’t grab one of my tools.

What’s in your toolbox?

I will practice a form of self-care. Sleep, home facial, writing out my thoughts, saying no, or setting a boundary is the first line of defense. The second thing I do is look at my schedule for a therapy session. Thankfully ahead of the Fall I have been doing therapy once a week. That has helped me to be able to be in a position of having the support that I need. The other thing is to make sure that I am taking my mental health medication properly. This last step is a place of contention for many people. The reasons are that many don’t want to take medication. 

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This is a personal choice. My doctor and I found one that doesn’t make me sleepy, alter my personality, or make me feel groggy. I love it and have been taking them for a while. I usually consult with my doctor to increase the dosage in the Winter. However, for the Fall along with the other above items it keeps me going and feeling like myself. 

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Get Outside More

As Fall gets underway remember to get outside more. The act of being outside is helpful. For me I tend to do a lot of Family friendly outside activities on the weekend with the kids being in school during the week. Things like apple picking, hayrides, and more help us make memories but also makes sure we are connected to each other and nature. Nature is healing. If you are ever having a bad day or just because spend at least 10-15 minutes on a brisk walk. It does wonders for your emotional and mental health. 

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Take a Break this Fall

I have 2 staycations planned. One with my husband and one just for me. This may seem extreme but it’s important to me. During these staycations I will be taking those days to recharge and renew what I need for the season as well as what I need for the end of the year. I always do an overnight also in the winter right before Christmas. The year has been flying fast and as we get to Halloween it will practically be over. With that mindset since I arrange so many family-oriented events, I also take time for me. A break helps you to focus and slow it down a bit. 

My schedule will be tight this Fall. From celebrating my son’s birthday, to trips, campaigns, brand trips and more but one person who is a priority this Fall, and every day is me. No need to talk about selfishness. Self-care isn’t selfish it is essential. Set your Fall for success by making plans and executing the plan that has you in mind. 

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