How you frame your expectations does wonders for your mental health. Sometimes we have over compensated expectations. These expectations can cause us to have a mental breakdown. Let me explain. From putting too much pressure in others to overtaxing yourself can lead to an overflow of emotions.
How to maintain balance mentally with our expectations
If you are asking for something that a person isn’t qualified to do you are setting yourself up for a breakdown. A breakdown doesn’t have to mean a mental health breakdown. It could be a breakdown of communication. For instance, your spouse or person you are in connection with is to be supportive. We confuse supportive for your person to do the work. The expectancy to place your personal wellbeing into the hands of others will fail you every time.

Touch your nose. That is where your power stops. If you put pressure on your person to do more than what you are willing to do, I promise that it is on its way to disaster.

Take some Accountability
When you give others power to make decisions it will break you down in many ways. Take accountability for you. Be honest about your mistakes. This is the best way to place your expectations in the right place. Accountability opens the doors to making great decisions. Also, accountability also allows you to delegate and invest in what you need to do and what needs to be delegated.

Great Expectations with Low Work Ethic
With considerable expectations you must be willing to do hard work. This means if you want more ask yourself that for which you are willing to work. For instance, as a Content Creator, so many in my field want to make more money. That is all our goals regardless of what you do. However, in this field you must do the work, be on time with your contracts, have excellent work ethic, and make a good name for yourself. In addition, you must do quality work. The more you do this and are consistent it will help you overall. More companies will see you and it will change how you charge for the work you do too.

Expect More and Balance it all
You can expect more if you do your best to balance. This is hard. I am dealing with what balance means. The balance in my world flips all the time. Sometimes its me taking a break and attending less. Other times it involves me telling my husband that I need help. So, he steps in or hire someone to help me in whatever it is I am asking. There are times when I take a staycation for a night just so I can breathe and sleep in. Speaking of sleep, it could mean I schedule myself a nap.
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. This is a lesson that I had to learn. Asking for help has been key. I used to think that the struggle had to be real to work hard and enjoy what I do. Working smarter not harder is my goal. I am okay with outsourcing. For instance, I can braid and do me and my girls hair but to free up my time and give the girls the styles what they want I pay someone else to do it. I also get my hair done bi-weekly. It Is important for me to look my best as I create content. I enjoy letting others do my hair. It saves me time and is done well.

You got thinking
I know that if you are a retired people pleaser, you may put pressure on yourself to do it all and get it all done. Take your time. Do not allow yourself to tank out due to undue pressure. In addition, make sure that you treat yourself well. Also get help when you need it. Lastly, stop placing higher expectations on others that you aren’t willing to do for yourself. Balance a little more too. If you fail in this like I do make sure you reassess and move forward. You got this. Life is hard. Don’t make life harder.