
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Let’s face it the holidays brought on some good eating and wonderful drinks. From holiday gatherings for work, hanging with friends and more there is nothing wrong with a little indulgence every now and again. So now that January is in and the resolutions or goal setting is in full effect, what are some of the ways you can add some detox ways into your lifestyle?

Dry January and Mocktails

For the month of January you may have heard the term Dry January. It is when many people take the time to eliminate alcohol from their life for an entire month. Many restaurants and more will increase an offering of mocktails that are great substitutes. One of the benefits is that many restaurants already offer great mocktails all year long. Pro-tip when out ask the server to take a cocktail that you readily enjoy and ask for a non alcoholic version. You will be surprised that some of your favorite cocktail enthusiasts really do know how to put some great options together.

There are a few benefits to doing dry January. Some of the benefits include learning your relationship with alcohol. If you can’t simply have a great time without the aid of alcohol then this was a blessing in disguise. Other benefits include more energy and better sleep. Alcohol especially if you drink enough of it can make you go to sleep quickly but that doesn’t equate to good sleep. Other benefits is also giving you clarity. Many people knowingly and unknowingly are attempting to drink their problems with drinks. This could open the door to exploring other avenues hopefully healthier ones to real solutions towards your issues.

Food Cleanse

Again food isn’t our problem it’s our relationship with food. Many people after the holidays do cleanses to help jumpstart a healthier lifestyle. I am not a doctor and I encourage you to consult with your doctor/nutritionist. However what I do know from my own doctor that many time we need to be aware of our eating habits not only for patterns but to see if our eating habits are trying to alert us to deficiencies. So if you are going to do a cleanse important that all cleanses aren’t the same. If you are not careful you could cause more harm the good. A lot of people cut out carbs or processed sugars during this month. Do what is best for you but know that moderation is always going to be a better course of action.

Better Sleep

If you are a night owl like many sleep may be on the top of your list. Learning to eliminate caffeine so close to bed, working out or increasing movement, or even setting a night time routine that includes shutting off electronics and more are all a great way to move toward better sleeping habits.  If you struggle still I would add things like SleepPhones, blue light, and more. Even though I see it being used more for kids than adults blackout curtains could help. Moving your electronics from you to decrease overstimulation. I have been guilty of scrolling down the rabbit hole of foolishness. Other things is managing stress, talking to a professional. and more can help as well.

RED January

Have you heard of RED January? It means Run every day for the whole month. Many people struggle with movement in their lives. They also say that doing something for 30 days can make it stick and become your normal routine. For instance I start running with a run group a few years ago-it stuck. I don’t necessary start off with a run every day but I do see the benefit to doing so. Running not only helps with weight management, clarity in mind, and helps with better sleep. Running not be your thing but add in a little extra movement.


January is Mental Wellness Month

How can you help your personal wellness? You have given to others, aided in community initiatives and now it is your time to get back to you. Many like myself knows what it’s like to lose yourself. You do and are on the go so much that you look up months later forgetting what it’s like to enjoy a hobby, take a personal date, or simply that you have forgotten what it feels to smile or laugh. There’s a new trend going around about what is in and out. What is out is putting you last. You are deserving of a life that fits you. Here are some suggestions to getting back to that doesn’t cost a lot of money:

  • Take walks to clear your head
  • Lunch breaks-take them daily and set boundaries on your refuel time
  • Take yourself on a date-nothing too expensive unless you want it to be
  • Set an appointment for therapy
  • Write yourself a letter and open it in 3 months to see the personal changes
  • Increase your water intake

Whatever you do, January can be whatever you want it to be. All of these health initiatives with all of these names mean one thing: adding discipline in taking care of you.


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