
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

It’s Monday and time for many of us to head out the door to work, or school.  Sometimes we get in the same routines.  Have you spent any time figuring out what makes you happy?  There’s nothing selfish about making sure you’re whole and healthy.

Dreams are ideals of what we aspire to be.  We have dreams often and get excited and then we don’t act on them.  Newsflash, no one is going to just hand over things to you.  If you want it you have to go get it. 

I’m thinking all the time and setting appointments, making calls, etc.  You have to work your dream like a full time job.  I remember when I was in high school when there was career day, we would meet with people who had aspiring careers.  We would talk, ask questions, and hear stories of what it took to make it.  In college we would do internships.  The principle behind it was so you could link up with someone going in the same direction you wanted to go.  Why aren’t you doing that now? 

It’s time to stop making our dreams like vapors where we dream it and then move on without giving life to it.  I for one have not stopped and until I hit my goal and then I’m going to keep going.  Don’t stop.  Don’t quit just because it’s not working as fast as you want.  Everything isn’t about fast.  Work the dream over and over again until it happens.  Then when it does, keep going don’t get stagnant. 

Don’t go into another Monday complaining about you hate your job, your relationship is horrible, or you want to move and haven’t done it.  Make it happen and at least get a plan and execute it. 


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