
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

If you have followed me for awhile now you are aware of how many times I’ve gone to Diggerland with the family. Besides the many events that they offer they also offer a drive through Christmas light show.

Before you go to Diggerland Light Show

Purchase your tickets ahead of time. It will speed up the process of getting inside. Once you pull up show them your tickets or purchase them there. Again I highly suggest you have the tickets before you go especially as we get later into the season. You can also purchase treats like hot chocolate, ice cream, churros and more. They will give you a sheet with the snacks available. You can also purchase keepsake lights to have. Keep a few things in mind. One you can’t get out of the car to take pics or videos. Your driving speed should be 5mph and your lights off in the car.

Keep in Perspective while There

Again they tell you to drive 5mph. While there the car behind me kept driving faster than thankfully stopped. None of the cars ahead of you are going to speed. Driving slow is to help you take in the scenery. Hearing the ohs and awes of the kids is what it’s all about. It will take you about a good 30 or so minutes to get through each section. If you have ever gone to Diggerland you will love seeing the very walkable spots turn into this holiday delight.

What to Expect while there

There are so many lights to see. You will see the lights come to live in so many ways. Enjoy them. Many of Diggerland construction pieces will be lit. There’s a nativity scene as well as Santa Claus. This gives everyone the opportunity to enjoy them. Focus on one the lights, the snacks, and the music. You can bring your own snacks but enjoying theirs adds an element of making it a full on event. We bought 4 hot chocolates and 3 snacks and it cost us about 30 dollars total. The hot chocolate is hot so use caution when drinking it. They fill the cup to the top.

Favorite Light Show exhibit

The tunnel of lights are always my favorite. You get to drive you car as the lights are flashing all around you. It lights up the entire car. The kids since I gave 3 rows sit in their own section with a blanket and just get excited about what they are seeing. This has been a pleasant part of our experience during the holidays. For instance due to holiday burnout we focus on the events that we enjoy as a family and this is one. Also it’s about 32 minutes from Philadelphia. It keeps us in a holiday state of mind.

Another exhibit is the stable of construction vehicles. Seeing how detailed the lights got was amazing. During our trip we always take a vote. This was definitely one of the top choices.

The Staff of Diggerland

The staff went above and beyond. From the time we entered and got our instructions on where to go staff was gracious. In addition there are staff through the displays. If you should have to use the bathroom there is one at the front of Diggerland you will see it on the right hand side as you enter. Also the staff that give out the candy canes were pleasant too. We went and the night air was perfectly warm for a December night. So we were able to roll the windows down a bit.

Overall it’s a large light show. It’s big enough to see a lot but not overwhelming to over exert a younger child. The displays are open from 5-9:30 on their open days. Pick the time that worked best. My kids are a little older so we went about 8:30. If you have younger kids and don’t want them to fall asleep I would go around 5:30-6pm and do an early dinner. If you choose to not listen to the holiday music they have provided be understanding to follow the rules of driving at 5mph. Enjoy the lights and happy holidays! Thank you Diggerland for having us. Get your tickets now!

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