
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Today was about laundry, work, and food prepping! I had a lot to get done because I don’t like to do too much into the weekend when it comes to cleaning. Every weekend is nothing but family time and blog events. I used to spend time doing all of this cleaning only to have less and less time doing the things I love.

Stick to the Basics

I made sure to drink water and mind my business because today I found so many things happening around me. I had to be sure I didn’t get caught up in nobody’s mess today! The amount of craziness that was happening around me made zero sense!

Let the Weekend Load

Anyway in the attempt to mind my business and to make sure I just dug deep into my weekend prep. This always include letting you know what events are happening in and around the Philadelphia area. I love to see people who tell me they found a new spot that I posted. That’s the point right?! I also love when people recognize me when out and tell me how something I posted help. This is the reason I love what I do-to inspire!

So let the weekend load…..

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