
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

In this on go world it’s important to have a work-life balance. What are some of the ways you establish boundaries at home and for work even if you’re working from home or in the office?

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How to establish Work Balance

While working especially if you’re working from home it’s important to do your best work during your established work hours. If you’re salaried you may work more hours than a traditional day. Take the time to establish what your work day looks like. For instance even as a salaried worker you can set boundaries on how many hours you are willing to do. Whatever you do set clear boundaries on answering calls and emails once you leave.

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For instance I don’t check emails after a certain time unless I’m on call. If your job expects you to be on call no matter what, then request a separate phone from your personal one. Do not ever set your work email on your personal device. This is encouraging an imbalance on your work-life balance. Sometimes it’s not the job requiring it. You do it to be convenient to you but in the long run it could be damaging your work-life balance.

How to set up a balance in your personal life

For instance you can make it clear when you have an appointment, child event and more that you aren’t missing it. Once your boss knows that your personal time can be negotiated they won’t stop. I made a mistake one time before I had kids when I would have plans and kept changing it. I became known as the one who would be willing to change for the “good” of the company. For those years I missed every family function. I missed friend meet ups and my self care was super trash. That same boss was arrested and all of that “good will” went to hell in a basket.

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Most bosses aren’t being arrested but that work-life balance interruption is real. Your good will especially since the pandemic isn’t where it’s at. These companies will fire you and bring someone else in at a tenth of what they paid you.

Don’t let Work and Personal Cross

You take the risk when you do. I will block higher management from my personal socials. Am I showcasing things that would get me fired? Nope never have but that is where I’m free to post what I want. However keep in mind most jobs have a social media policy in place. So if something you post gets to management you take the risk of it messing up your bag. Be careful!

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Be leery of allowing your co-workers to become too close to you. I have very minimal coworkers from past jobs on my socials now or when I worked with them. It’s not personal but it is. I’m an amazing worker when I’m in the building . In addition. I am also one who is mindful of what I do when I’m not in the building too but my time is my time. I don’t want to answer anyone over my personal life and space.

How can you practice self care at work?

Now that we have an understanding of our time while working and how to set boundaries, let’s talk about self care. Yes you can practice self care while at work. For instance make eating balanced meals at work a priority. Do you know that even people who work from home don’t do a great job of eating well during the day? I’ve been guilty of this. So now I set eating times by looking at my schedule. I know things can take you off of your schedule on any given day. However being intentional about eating is key.

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Take a break. If you have a door to close, do so. Work in a cubicle? Get up from your work space and sit somewhere else for a break or take a walk around the building or outside. Place headphones on and set a timer. These 15 minutes can help you work better afterwards. Everyone needs a break. Do not let them go by working through them.

Time management for work-life balance

Take your time off. Plan vacations. At my last job, I used my mental health days too. Some companies are making it easy for you to balance your time so make it easy on you and work it well. First thing I do is sit with my calendar as a parent and see what times my kids need me to present and off of work. Then add in vacation days. Take time off around major holidays like Christmas, Thanksgiving, and New Year’s Eve and save time for medical issues and sick days too.

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Tools for making your work space more enjoyable

You do not need any of these items. However you’re at a work place or work station at home or at a location for hours might as well make it comfortable. Use my Amazon list to inspire you. Be mindful always of your company’s policies before bringing in these items:

  • Foot stool
  • Diffuser
  • Desktop glass whiteboard
  • Cell phone stand
  • iPhone 3-in-1 charger for Apple Watch, AirPods, and phone
  • Desktop Vaccum
  • Glass desktop planter

For most of us we have to work. Don’t let work overtake your personal. In addition, make sure you align your personal life to manage itself while you’re at work. Add in self care to make sure you are good while at work. I have a water infuser and more to help add in my hydration and more. No one day will be the same. We all experience stress at work but if the stress is causing you health issues-look for another one. No it’s not easy leaving a job but stress kills.

I hope this helps and if you never thought about your work-life balance the time to do so is now. Take care of you while you work hard. Working smarter not harder is the name of the game!

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