
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Christmas presents

Happy Sunday and pre Christmas joy to you. As we enter the last week of the holidays lets find a way to keep things into perspective. So many want to get it all done and over do. Not everything is going to work out the way that we want and we have to be okay with that. So resting in the knowledge that we don’t have to do more than what can is the lesson for today. Too many are struggling to do for others when in essence living above your means especially during the holidays starts your New Year on the wrong foot.

Christmas spirit

Different Christmas Preppers


This is for those how shop Christmas Eve. I will send send all of the love and patience your way. If you have been following me for awhile you know that my anxiety can’t take last minute shopping. However there are some where their traditions are to shop Christmas Eve. If you are shopping last minute get a game plan and pack some patience. You know that your plan will attempt to be foiled. Parking will be a mess as well as items will be limited.

Non Holiday Feels

This is normal to not be in a full Christmas mode. It happens. Life has been kicking some of our butts. Life may not have allotted the Christmas spirit to unfold. So be clear that if you are encountering someone who is in a grump or a funk, consider they are struggling for real life reasons.

Explosive Christmas Spirit

These are the ones that have had all of the plans and sticking to a Holiday schedule. From Gingerbread Houses to holiday sing offs, these are the ones who are going all of the way out. These are the people who embody the Holiday spirit in their own way. They are lit with excitement for all of the holiday things.


If you encounter these types of people no matter what category they are in, be patient. You don’t have to push yourself on them either way. Allow people to be them. I for one have several friends who aren’t in the holiday spirit. Don’t bombard them with holiday flare. I usually do not invite them to holiday events. I respect where they are. For the most part I am the Explosive Holiday Spirit. However due to anxiety I can go back and forth between Non Holiday Feels because in order to be an Explosive Holiday Spirit-is work.

Self Care during the Holidays

I have blogged this several times because when the holidays people are more concerned with buying for the holidays then they are actually taking time to show love and care during the holidays. Self care doesn’t go out of the door when the holidays arrive. You may find that you need more during this time. Also find some time for rest. My kids will be home for the next few weeks. The constant running around will be stopped. I can focus on quiet time. My children will be playing away. The parents will be enjoying that time and having an adult beverage too. So please find rest this holiday. We are traveling less this time. One trip to see extended family for one day. We will be focusing on local events that are safe.

Tips for Holiday/Christmas Rest:

Consider getting gift cards or gifting experiences

Stick to your budget-over spending provides so much stress later down the road

Add non-negotiable days of reset and rest: Say NO

Add breaks in your day and eat appropriately

Whatever you do, take some time to relax. Nothing is more damaging to your health and mental care than to overload and do it “all.”

Those who Don’t Celebrate Christmas

There are some who don’t celebrate Christmas. I want to share a story that has stayed with me. It was from someone I don’t even like. Some lessons come from the unexpected places. A Muslim coworker heard about a woman who was a mom whose house burned down. All of her Christmas presents burned up too. He didn’t even blink. He went to lunch and bought almost a house full of presents. When asked why he did it. He simply stated that he didn’t have to be a Christian or celebrate Christmas to be a blessing to someone else. I never forgot about that.

Christmas presents

There are plenty of people who celebrate Christmas who don’t even show love like they should. So you don’t have to do a lot to be who you can be to those around you.

A reminder is for you to take that rest. Enjoy your holiday week. Find peace with not being able to do and buy for others. For some you may want to get things for others after the holidays. Remember live life according to what you can do.


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