
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Christmas House

Christmas is my favorite holiday! With that being said, Christmas House is your must go to spot for the holidays and more. From nostalgic Christmas movie sets and  more expect to have a great time and be wowed. Also Christmas House is located inside of the King of Prussia Mall on the second floor and you can get tickets from now until January 7th.

Christmas House

Before you Go to Christmas House

It is suggested that you purchase your tickets online. Christmas House has about 8 rooms taken about 40-45 minutes to go through them all. You can stay in each room as much as you like within reason. If you want to get everyone in a shot, make sure to bring a tripod with you. This is key to making sure you can get photos or videos. Pack a little patience. The rooms may be occupied by another family or group and if they have a larger size party it may take a few extra minutes. Christmas House is fully inside. Expect to be a little warm if you bring or have a lot of items to carry. They have limited bins that you can use. Use of the bins are are your personal discretion. 

Christmas House

Christmas House for All Ages

Anyone who enjoys seeing Christmas nostalgia and taking pictures will love Christmas House. The earlier that you come in the season could help you with your Christmas card. Even with it being so late in the season, keep in mind that it’s never too early to start on next year’s photos. It is a walkable tour that is on your own. If you need help or accessibility due to the use of wheelchair is completely available.

Christmas House

Photo Vibes

Take as many or as little as you like, the house is yours. Each room provides something unique to it like the Harry Potter or Elf room. You may like some rooms more than another. The Christmas House has you covered. Come dressed in your Christmas pajamas, sweaters, or more to it your holiday vibes. Also there are times that you can bring your dogs and more. Pay attention  to the site for more information.

Christmas House

Timed Tickets 

All of the tickets are timed. Can you get tickets as a walk in? Of course you can.  Be aware depending on availability you may have to wait in order to go into Christmas House. If there is ever a time that you are running late for your timed tickets, please email them and they will work out the ticket timing for you as well. I took my girls since the boys were too exhausted from a long weekend. We had a blast. I personally parked by The Shoe Dept and that allowed us to get in and out of the mall with ease. 

Christmas House

Staff of Christmas House

The staff was helpful. Not only did they make us and others feel welcomed, they also made sure that there wasn’t anything that we needed. This was done for all patrons. Make sure you come ready to smile and have a great time. Although it is immersive and your point is there to take great pics-don’t forget to have fun. With school about to be out soon, I would make sure you add Christmas House to your to do list. It will be available until January 7th. 

Christmas House

A few Housekeeping Rules

  • Remember to leave the rooms in the same order in which you came
  • Do not destroy any of the rooms or the property 
  • The Christmas House was made for all in mind, so let’s make sure we keep that in mind while there
  • Do not take any of the props home 
  • Be courteous to all around you especially staff who is there to assist in anything you may need

Christmas House

A special thank you to the Christmas House for having me and the girls. 



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