Today is National Children’s Mental Health Awareness. If the title makes you cringe because you believe that kids do not have mental health issues this blogpost is especially for you. Children are dealing with all kinds of levels of mental health. Some of it is hereditary and others have a lot to do with stressors that many of us and those older than me could and wouldn’t be okay to deal with. So, let’s talk about it.

These kids’ don’t have no real problems
This is a phrase that I heard growing up. You don’t have any real problems. I am going to extend some grace to those older than me. Let’s assume that what you were trying to say was that kids didn’t have bills. That is correct. But life’s stress isn’t just built on bill paying. Yes, as an adult now I see how it can be managing money. We have 3 kids and all of them are in activities. It is expensive.

Let’s give a few reminders to anyone who has children, they didn’t ask to come here. So, if you are of the mindset that they owe you something for their acceptance I promise you will end up being the reason why a child or a child that becomes an adult is in therapy.
Accept their Issues
Kids in this age and times are dealing with the stressors for their generation. There are many things that they must deal with like violence, social media and the abuse of it, and just the same things as learning how to socialize with others, and getting to know who they are. That is a lot. Those things bring on stress. Kids do have stress. If you think they, don’t you are a part of the problem.

Mental Health and Children
As I stated before some kids are predisposed to certain mental health issues because they are susceptible to the mental health issues that are passed down. This doesn’t mean that all kids are going to be like their parents. However even if that parent isn’t active, it doesn’t stop the flow of genetics. I have never met my biological father yet after speaking to several of my family that is on his side there are things that I have and deal with that are identical.

Kids can have some of the most outlying mental health issues like schizophrenia, anxiety, depression, ADHD, and more. So, the concept that we simply ignore them is not a good one. If you are seeing that your child is showing any form of mental health issues, please let them know that they are not alone. Encourage them to find answers by you being the first push to get them the help that they need. According to the CDC 1 in 11 kids have some form of mental health disease. So many factors affect it such as physical health, risk behaviors, social relationships, education, etc.

How to help kids and their mental health
This is important. Kids are people with real feelings. That is the first thing to help your child with their mental health. Acknowledge them and respect their feelings. Listen to them. Other ways:
• Spend time
• Ask them how they feel and listen to their responses
• Then Ask yourself if you are listening with your head, heart, or opinion: choose heart always
• Help them to be in enjoyable atmospheres
• Maintain conversations
• Take them to the doctors to be evaluated and help them navigate solutions
• If therapy and other means are needed reassure them how normal it is and getting help is monument in being a healthy individual
Dispelling Myths about Children and Mental Health
We have to rebuttal the concept that children are meant to be seen and not heard. The way that children were gaslight by parents must stop. There’s a difference in teaching children to stay out of adult conversations isn’t by silencing them. Also, you as the adult must be the adult in the situation. I don’t hold adult conversations around my children. If its off limits I wait until they are not in my direct presence to have them. There isn’t anything so pressing that I can’t adjust and keep the atmosphere around them appropriate. If there has been something pressing, I am the first to remove myself.

Listening to a child is going to be the downfall to a lot of adults. But please take the time to make the atmosphere open. You have been gifted the ability to make a difference in a child’s life. Be there and don’t count out their stress and stressors. Also be willing to accept you may be the stressor too. You may have to adjust the way you approach them or the situation that you are in. This is coming from a mom who had to do the same thing. Aren’t your children worth it? We are raising well rounded individuals and their mental health is health.