
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


It’s my Blogiversary month and to say I am excited is an understatement. Not only has blogging changed my life, it’s been such an inspiration to me. So how do you celebrate 8 years of blogging? You throw a party. I will be inviting 20 of my closest blogging and influencing friends to come and celebrate over dinner and drinks.

Blogging Lessons

I learn so much from myself every year. From the constant learning SEO and other internet lessons. I am grateful to be connected to SheMedia and BlogHer that makes sure that the blog is leveled up. For instance the changes the website has made, SheMedia helped me to do it. When I first began my logo and spacing changed. It wasn’t anything you see now. Now it’s professionally polished thanks to Jennifer M. She has done so much for me now and continues to be a wealth of support when anything technical happens with the blog. In addition SheMedia has helped me obtain resources that weren’t available to me in the beginning. So for that I am grateful.


There are lessons like consistency, being truthful, staying grounded, and getting the right people in your circle. These are some tough lessons as life happens around you. For instance the wrong tribe can mess up brand deals, name, and more. So for all who are looking to get into it be aware. Make the commitment to being coachable. The ability to be willing to tighten your skill sets at all times.

Perfection over Complete

When I first started I was rough around all of the edges. My format was off. I had no clue how to market it. Marketing and blogging go together. However with a desire to write-you want others to read it. I had to learn not to be afraid of the internet. Perfection isn’t nearly as good as completion. You will never be perfect. This was a hard lesson for a People Pleaser like myself. I was always taught to show up as perfect as possible. Perfectionist struggle to complete most of the times. They will tell themselves to save a project until it’s right. Sometimes your best is completing. I am not suggesting putting any old thing out. Be proud of whatever you do. Make sure that whatever you put out you are willing to take a stand.


Blogging and the Internet

The Internet is an interesting place. You need it to put your work out. ALL Bloggers should have a website. It’s the only way to be a Blogger. Influencing is influencing and it’s not the same as a Blogger. They are two different titles who can coincide separately and together. However, Blogging is the art of writing on an social medium. You will need to maintain your site at all times. If you notice I make monthly changes all the time it’s because it’s needed. There is no way you can exist without your content being updated. Updating old blogs happen all the time. I took almost hours updating Thanksgiving content from 2014.


As the Internet changes and new requirements to be recognized by Google changes so does social media. I am very present on all the platforms. In order to do that I work hard to make sure to work ahead. This allows me December to enjoy my family, take a mental health break, and more. When you are doing it right you keep your content as updated and organized as you possibly can.

Here are some Blog Lessons Learned over the Years

Keep Writing: Blogging Tip

Mean Relationships in the Blogging World

Your Little Blog Won’t Work…

Blogging Pain

So these 8 years I don’t take it lightly. I have enjoyed the lessons, connections, benefits, and trials that blogging has brought.

Quitting the Blogging World

I have never quit. However I have felt overwhelmed. In the those first years as you establish your voice before viral moments and social media made it a quicker run-I was overwhelmed. There wasn’t a lot of readers supporting the blog. Not that many people knew who I was. Growing a new budding business takes patience. There were days I questioned if this was the path I wanted to be on.


I’m not a quitter. The lessons in the early years helped develop me as a Writer now. I never would have thought about freelance writing or collaborations with companies. This world of blogging can become anything that you desire. Be willing to work. Stay coachable. If you have the desire step out on faith and make it happen. Also listen to last week’s podcast where I talk about working at night and treating this blog as a full time job before it became one. Remember I started this blog on a cell phone. I didn’t have a laptop until a few years ago. Although I can blog now on both, I do prefer my laptop. Here are other equipment I have brought over the years.


Make sure you are following me on social media as Toitimeblog. No matter what you take you mental health and self care seriously.

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