One thing I was told from a wise woman was the minute I took my blog online that I would be hit with all kinds of things. I sort of knew that but boy I definitely underestimated the wise advice.
It’s one thing to talk and be a guide to your friends and family behind the scenes but when you go public it definitely causes everything in the universe to attack the essence of what you are doing.One awesome thing is that it holds you accountable. If you are looking to blog about anything it will definitely allow you to make sure you really care about what you blog about, why, and how.
Another thing is the attack on your character. I’m not the one who has to defend everything that goes on, but believe me the fight that happens offline is real. You have to have thick skin. Yes you can’t be the type that breaks down over everything that is said.
My Ask Toi section is real. These questions come to my email and I try to respond to them efficiently however some issues mirror things that are close to home and so I try to be honest with my responses without throwing anyone going through the same issues under the bus. One thing I appreciate is the vulnerability of my followers.
Lastly I absolutely love this blog. I’m grateful for my family for allowing me to draw from my experience and continue to encourage me to keep on writing. I love helping others and will continue to do so. If you are ready let’s keep on pushing ToiTime to greater heights. Asked why I do this and I remind people often ToiTime was birthed simply from a dream. I’m not afraid to take risk, put myself out, dream big, and press forward. There’s something inside of us that we all want to accomplish why keep saying I’ll get there one day-make that day today.