
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

We are rolling through August and it’s a great time to remind you that it’s national wellness month. Wellness encompasses so many areas of your life. From mental to physical you should take care of you. Since we all aren’t new to the idea of taking care of ourselves, what is the reason we don’t?!

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Putting Everyone Before Yourself

One of the reasons we don’t take care of us is because we focus our efforts on others. We tend to focus how we can best serve others. I’m not opposed to doing for others but not at the detriment to yourself. The balancing act of helping others is tricky. Have you ever done so much for others but found that at the end you were more of a crutch than a help?! It can be hurtful to know that after all of you have done it could go unnoticed or unappreciated.

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Where to start in your wellness journey?

Knowing that you need to find balance and knowing where to start are two different approaches. I find it best to write out what you want to see in your life and go from there. Wellness is about a whole body and mind becoming whole. This means taking an approach of an inside to the outside mindset. Write down what you want to see happen and then develop a plan around it. This also may mean getting a few outsiders to help you plan accordingly.

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For example, if you need the help of a nutritionist then you may have to want for an appointment. Instead of that being a reason to wait, immediately make the appointment. Once you do you’re step closer to the goal.

Mental/ Emotional Wellness

When was the last time you did a check in with yourself regarding where you were in your mental health? I think this should be done often. At minimal every quarter. You change and are constantly changing. Why not find out how you really are showing up in this world? Take the time to go to your doctor especially while you get a physical.

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When your doctor asks you, how are you? This is the time to be honest with yourself and your doctor. Your doctor is a great place to start to find services and develop a plan of action. Another place is to use your job’s EAP (Employee Assistance Program). They can assist you to find services and make sure it will be covered by your insurance once you have exhausted  your free therapy sessions. 

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Physical Wellness

This is when staying connected to your physician is key. When was the last time you had a checkup, OBGYN, eye, and more? You need to make this a priority. What you don’t know could cause you harm. Do not wait. Make an appointment today. Take your health seriously. Along with physical wellness is your movement and exercise. Are you active? If you say no, then what are you waiting for? Take a walk in your neighborhood for 20 minutes. Do a free workout on YouTube. Whatever you need make yourself a priority.

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Do an assessment on the things that you eat too. Are you making healthy choices? If not the time to revamp your food pantry is now. 

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This is your month to get your life on track. Do not focus on what you could have done but didn’t do. Take your life in your hand and make the necessary changes. As many head back into the office from summer breaks and more there’s no better time than now.

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