
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


What your senses say can make a great gateway to your mental health and your self care. Do you incorporate aromatherapy into your self care plan? For me I use aromatherapy daily. There are many ways that aromatherapy can aid in your self care plan. From being antidepressant, relieves stress, reduces headaches, and so much more. You might be wondering how I incorporate it into my daily lifestyle?

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Laptop and Aromatherapy

If you have ever work as hard as you do on your laptop then you should have heard of a laptop diffuser. I use it religiously every time I turn on my laptop. It is one of the best ways to incorporate aromatherapy into your life. It attaches into your USB plug. The diffuser doesn’t harm your laptop in any way. So when you are using it just be mindful. The fact that it is a laptop diffuser it will only work while the laptop is actively working. You can choose your scents. For me I use Tea Tree Oil. This is one that helps with the prevention of colds. Others include Lavender, Frankincense, Peppermint, and Rosemary Essential Oil.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

You can get one from one of my favorite stores and that is my Amazon Store. Trust me with the school year and back to the grind this is something you need to add it to your collection.

Desktop/Laptop Diffuser

This one works the same as your laptop Diffuser. This one sits upright on your desk and requires water. The laptop one that goes in and looks like a USB doesn’t need water. This one works like a cold water humidifier. I like to use this one too. However because it needing water I use it less. When you put it on you can see the air smoke coming out. It’s hard to explain it while I am in meetings. People assume I am running a candle or something and it’s not at all. It works the same except you can choose to add essential oils in it like I do. I like to use Eucalyptus oils often as possible. The benefits of Eucalyptus oils are helping with pain relief, and congestion. If you use any essential oils topically you should be aware of their use especially with kids. I took my aromatherapy box to my doctors showed her how I use them and she guided me in how to use them.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

I also go to a osteopathic doctor too. So they are specializes in whole body treatment. I have been going to them for years.

Why Aromatherapy in your Mindfulness Care?

Again every sense is ignited in your self care whether you want to believe it or not. For instance break up with someone and their scent if smelled again can take your mind to a place. Whenever you are taking care of you-start to notice how you feel around certain scents. When I called it quits with my then boyfriend now husband his cologne from college, Cool Water, I could not smell on another man. However as I went through that breakup it taught me how powerful scents were. So as I have gotten deeper into my personal self care, smells matter.

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Whenever I needed to have some me time I use certain scrubs, and lotions. These were different than my everyday scents. They made me feel strong and powerful, Aromatherapy help with certain health aspects and they can center you like Lavender does to help in sleeping well.

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What are your Fall line up of scents looking like?

Each season you should have a few scents to pay attention. For instance Fall is associated with Pumpkin Spice. I even have an essential oil with pumpkin in it. So as we start the week-let’s start with our senses and our sense of smell is a great place. I am going to add my aromatherapy in now. Happy week! Don’t forget you can use diffusers in your home to make your house smell good too. The power of a great smelling home especially with natural scents can settle you in so many ways.

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Happy Aromatherapy time to you and your family.

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