
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Today is Are You Okay Day. When was the last time you asked yourself that question? For instance we ask people around us all the time. Some people give the response that they are okay when deep inside they aren’t. When you aren’t at your best do you answer honestly? Most likely not. We are taught to hold everything to our chest afraid to be vulnerable. So let’s talk about it.

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Vulnerability in Not being okay

There are times when I say I am okay when I am not becaue the person who asked me how I am doing I don’t trust. This is real. If you ask me and I don’t trust there’s no need for me to be vulnerable to someone I don’t trust. Trusting someone enough to let them into your heart was never meant for everyone. Are you okay is a loaded question. It’s okay to be reserved with a few folks. However you need someone you can be honest with. You need someone who you can give them honesty in exchange of understanding. 

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Too many times as a people we don’t give enough understanding. People are being met with judgement. The judgement is too harsh, and it closes many off from the true essence of their emotions. Also, people know for the most part where many of us stand. We talk a lot, and we say a lot. In our saying that makes it hard for others to utilize you a resource of hope.

Not Okay with Being Okay

We always tell people that it’s okay to not to be okay but many of us aren’t okay with that uncomfortable feeling of not being okay. We conclude that we should be in a better place in life and love. When those things don’t happen, it leaves us empty. The emptiness of not being okay can be or at least feel overwhelming. However, in life you will have moments of not being okay. We tend to measure ourselves with other. If you think the people you look up to are seemingly happy and you aren’t-they must be doing better. However, the strongest of us struggle signed from the “strong friend.”

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Simply not understanding that bad days happen to us all will leave your cup with a constant hole. You know when you pour into a broken cup it loses the value. However, unlike cups we as individuals don’t lose value. We are still valuable and can get a new cup. Learn that the cup you seek will look differently in each season of your life. 

Are you okay enough to move forward?

That is the question at hand. You ever hear, one day at a time? Sometimes even as a planner I must realize that each day comes with a new journey. Tomorrow will come with its own set of victories and trials. Know that tomorrow’s provision will illuminate itself. Take each moment one at a time. It’s hard to do. I don’t make light of that. However, the stress of trying to figure it all out sometimes is greater and more detrimental to your mental health. Take a break. 

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Personal Declaration

As I write this know that I am not okay. I am working towards being better. For me being better is about taking one moment at a time. In this season that I am in right now, things are moving so fast that I feel as if I can’t seem to catch my breath. I look well, things are in alignment for the most part but I struggle like you and me. For me I use the following tools when I am not:

• Weekly therapy

• Journaling

• Self-Care

• Daily medication monitored by my doctor

• Physical health and nutrition

Life isn’t horrible. Sometimes life happens to the best of us. You have what you need to be successful. If you need something you don’t have, ask for the wisdom to do right with what you seek when it comes.

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Other things that I use to help me along my journey. Little things go along way.

  • Music therapy
  • Walks or getting outside
  • Phone on do not disturb
  • Digital detox
  • Creativity
  • Reading a good book
  • A cup of tea
  • Quiet time
  • New lipstick color
  • Cozy socks and hoodie wrapped in a blanket watching mindless television
  • Write a letter
  • Send a friend a card

Have a great day.

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