
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happiness is a personal journey. What is means to say and live in a place of being happy can have many layers to it. This month you are to focus on what makes you happy and increase those moments. Now life can’t be filled with constant highs daily. However, we are responsible for leaning into what makes us happy as much as possible.


What Makes you Happy?

A lot of people tend to look at what they do to bring in an income. So this means taking the time to seek out their happiness. We have all heard looking for things like love in all of the wrong places. Evaluate if you have found yourself in a whirlwind of unhappy moments. For instance in your 20s happiness looks like going out, surrounding yourself with friends. As you get older and mature you eliminate the unhappy parts of your life because you learn who you are and who you are becoming. The state of happy also tend as you mature to lean less on what you can obtain to more of what is joyful using your gifts, few friends, and more.


Happy as a State of Being

So if you have ever had a moment of depression or being in a dark season, you know that it’s important to acknowledge what led you to that place. Being happy isn’t about smiling to others. It’s about smiling from your heart. Often times finding out what makes you spark. The gifts that you have inside of you brings you to a place of being happy. Finding your way like you were taught by the older generation is a large part of that journey. As you get older and you have friends and family members who walk away you learn to live each moment to its fullest. This is a place of contentment as you continue to become your best version.


Inward Journey

Happiness is an inward journey. What does it entails? Some quiet moments. Sitting with yourself and asking yourself what you want your mark to be in this world. Sometimes you think about the larger picture and get overwhelmed. Continue to understand that you are impactful. There are people you touch daily. From a smile that you give to your co-workers, to keeping someone lifted in prayer, to walk in the light that radiates through you-you are a jewel. As you figure out or sometimes reconfigure what brings you happiness and joy-don’t lose your essence. Your essence is what makes you-you. We have all experienced so much loss in the last few years. As we lose or feel like we are in a losing spiral remember to hold on. It’s not the storm that takes you out but it’s in giving up. How do you know that when you give up it encourages others to do the same? People are always watching.


It’s Not Too Late to Be Happy

Remember the young woman inside of you that is watching. She needs to know that the pain she may be experiencing now won’t last. When I would sit with my Great Grandmother before she past she would remember that there is a press inside of all of us. She was blessed to see 4 generations under her at the young age of 94. There was a smile that she shared with each person she encountered. As we age we don’t see the blessing in being here and being able to carve that pathway to happiness and contentment. So take each day one at a time. Eat well, drink well, and remember to stay in moderation. Take your health seriously and carve out the people, places, and things that help you become the best version of yourself. It’s never too late to reinvent yourself.


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