
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

As with all components of what defines success these tips are meant to inspire. From what methods could work best for you will be determined by your lifestyle and much more. Here are some habits of successful people.

Early starts for success

If you have ever been late to work or an event you know the stress that comes along with it. So when you find yourself in a situation where you’re able to get up a little early I high suggest that you do. Waking up early allows for you to take the time to set your day. Many successful people are great time managers. This means being able to account for the start of their day is key.

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Wake up in more than enough time to get a work out in, meditate, journal and more is great. We have 24 hours in a day and the way we manage that time will excel is many ways! Also having a great night time routine will help too.

Making your bed

This sounds like it could be a myth but the bed making is all about setting your space and intentions. A tidy room does wonders for making you feel a sense of accomplishment. You know you have set your day and can proceed in the best way possible. So get up and make that bed. Also if you’re struggling with getting up and staying out the bed you will definitely think twice before getting back in so quickly.

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Also a made up bed will set the tone for you to clean the rest of the room. This is why a deep clean of your room on the weekends is helpful too.

Goal Setting for Success

As a church kid I know my bible. Although you may not be an avid reader in Habakkuk 2: 2-3 talks about writing the vision and making it plain. Those who write it out are more adapt to completing them. If you have no planner or don’t write things down I need you shift in getting focused with one. For me I’ve been writing goals down for many years.

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So I start with a planner that not only has appointments but it also has things to do and days that things need to be done. In the morning I also write down things I need to be done. Write them down, adjust the schedule and be proactive towards them.

Check in with yourself

You have to be able to have honest conversations about where you are. If you’re not making the mark it’s okay but be honest. Check in with your goals on a physical, mental, emotional and more. If you want to step it up get a mentor. I finally got one for content creation and I must admit I feel great about it. During the Food + Wellness Equity Content Creation Retreat and never before have I felt the sense of accomplishment.

Successful people don’t have a problem asking for help. Get the right people in your corner.

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Know your worth

Successful people don’t tie success with their titles alone. They leverage what they do with who they know and how they can collab both of those efforts. Understand what you bring to your table. After you understand it and then make waves.

Think Positive

This is not the same as toxic positivity where you act as if the world doesn’t have bad sides. It means you have an honest assessment of life and the world around you. You can still be determined to be the positive of what you feel. I spend so much time checking my own attitudes. I know my attitude will determine my altitude. This is not a lie. The second I stop being overwhelmed with negativity, things shift. Make the shift and do the great things in this life and world!

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So may this list inspire you as you walk in your personal successes. Remember that you define what success is. For some having the ability to make a living without missing their children’s childhood is success. For others it could becoming a profession that they desired since being a child. Define your success and increase the habits that will sustain it.

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