
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen


Happy Fall! The other day while dropping the kids off to school I took the time to watch around me. I turned the music off and just looked around. The ability to be in deep thought was super helpful. Everyone is in a rush. Some of it self inflicted. This mean those who are habitually running late. Then the others are on the hamster wheel of life. Here are some tips to help you slow it down a bit this Fall.

Crock Potting and Meal Preparation

Although both of these methods come down to preference, they help you save your time. With the saved time add in something you enjoy. For instance during the week we are Uber parents. This is why in the Fall I cut down on fall events. You can’t tell from my socials because I perplan content. This is helpful so that instead of standing over a stove I could be disconnecting from my phone and focus on reading a good book. Although its early you can prepare for your yearly vision board. Either way the time is up to you. So take it. Prepare your meals with intentionality. For instance I try to make one big meal so I can get at least 2-3 nights of eating off of it. New to meal prep? Let me guide you.

  • Cook a protein in bulk.
  • Add a veggie
  • Consider what starch
  • Grab your containers

This is the basic dinner meal prep that you need. I know you can get fancy and I am not against it, however for beginners you only need to consider above method. Think about what you like the most. For instance for a family of 5 and I do not eat meat at home is for me to focus on the protein. I will make about 2-3 options right off the bat. I have a rice cooker for nights, and things like pastas don’t take long. With my air fryer I can saute things etc in no time. Having the protein prepared ahead of time is key. We do try at least the kids and us to eat together. My husband gets home late and I want the kids to be in the bed. If you have the money consider one of the meal prep companies I have tried:

Courtesy of Toi of Pexel Pictures

Initiate Social Media Block

Even if its an hour do a social media block for the family. Instead enjoy dinner or a dessert. Maybe a movie time, game night, the ideals are endless. However you do it consider it at least once a week. Our phones help us to have our minds overstimulated. The overstimulation and the need to do what we see contribute to our abilities to do the most during the week and beyond. We are doing too much as a nation and not enough to calm down. Here are a few other ideas you can do:

  • Yoga/Family Yoga
  • Family Journal-ask a question and let everyone write an answer-see if someone is willing to share their ideas
  • Make a dessert together
  • Come up with holiday plans
  • Go play a game of football or other physical game
  • Family walks
  • Go for ice-cream or have an ice-cream creation contest

Add in more rest

we are all struggling with the amount of sleep that we are needing vs what we actually get. This week has been a complete struggle. The more I attempt to get into the bed I find myself scrolling. Thankful for doing the social media detox. My phone shuts it down for me. But up to that point I have been asking myself what am I doing with my time up to that point. So more rest. I have been intentionally looking at what I need to do versus what I want to be done. Going to be early has been helping me. Think about the weekend too. My husband has been taking Sundays as his sleep in days while I take Saturday. Our kids are older.

Courtesy of Pexel Pictures

If I don’t want to make the infamous brunch over the weekend the kids can do it or eat cereal. This has been a game changer.

Take a Ride

This is a great idea to reconnect. Let the kids do a new school vs old school battle. Talk about the history of the music. If you are single this is for all. Take a long ride. When I was younger my parents would gas the car up and drive to another town and we would explore. This was after the Saturday chores. We love it. I still to this day use a long car ride as a way to decompress. It’s a great way to think, listen to a podcast, or even just listen to music. A long ride can make you simply take in the scenery. With the changing of the leaves it’s a great way to see this country. Pack some snacks. We all have been loving the snack boxes.

You may have to be more strategic with where you go with the rise in gas but you can still make it happen.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog-more fall things on Pinterest

Bake or Learn to Bake for the Fall

For many baking can be frustrating especially if you aren’t good at it. Here’s a little secret, you will become better at it the more you do it. This is a great way to relax. Being creative is a great way to allow your form of expression to come through. So do a bake off with friends of family. Either way you will have a new dessert to enjoy or share. We do a lot where we can grab a dessert and go. Don’t discount the ability to really to sit and enjoy your dessert. Even if you are on a healthier lifestyle you can do it too. Substitution is the name of the game.

Courtesy of Toi of Toitimeblog

Don’t like this list? Use it to create your own. The ideals are endless:

  • Go Camping even backyard camping counts
  • Glamping
  • Visit a Farmers Market
  • Make homemade apple cider
  • Petting zoo
  • Make s’mores
  • Fall movies


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