
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

Digital detox is when you commit to taking a break from using social media and more. This is a great way to take a break but also cleanse yourself from the antics that being online can bring.

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Start your digital detox slowly

You get to set the time and tone. For some they start with committing to not using it past a certain time at night. An example of this is coming offline about 2 hours before bed. We don’t know how much we consume until one of these apps go offline or something happens to our phone.

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Set the date and time you plan to be offline. Find something constructive that helps build you up. Consider using the time to mediate, read a book, enjoy the people around you. Plan other non phone activities so you’re more successful. Could use this for physical activity too. Whatever it is start off slow and build your detox and how often you do it.

  • No phones at dinner table(we do this currently)
  • Keep phone away from bed
  • No phone use in the morning

Do not feel the need to make a church announcement. You know when you announce to other social media uses that you’re taking a break. Your close friends should already be someone you have reached out. It screams attention seeking and you don’t need someone to validate your choices. You got this!

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Find an Accountability Partner to join the detox

It could be someone in your home which would make it easier. They can help you stay focus on staying grounded in your commitment. Maybe talk to them, write a letter to a friend, etc. There are many things you can do to occupy your time. Commit to yourself first and choose your accountability partner who will hold a light to you when you slide back your digital detox oways.

Make sure that it’s someone who has self control. Some people in my life I couldn’t ask to do this with me. It would feel like a fail before it started.

Offload Certain Apps or delete them

You can offload an app so it’s not on your home screen for you to use. I do this often but in full transparency it usually has to do with phone storage issues. However it can be used to take certain entertainment apps like Facebook, Instagram, or TikTok. What this does is if you are addicted to your phone this would make it easier for you to eliminate the immediate use. Should you go back on it, downloading the app back is a conscious decision.

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Set Boundaries on use

Instead of offloading, deleting, or stopping the use of your phones I would set boundaries on use. When I first got into TikTok I found myself on it heavily. I had to set a date that I could use it to Fridays. Fridays became the day I could scroll freely. So I would use my Friday scroll time wisely. A detox is an extended amount of time. Not using it but once a week was ideal for me to gain control of my usage. This helped me so now that I use it freely it’s for posting and often times I will offload it after I use it for the blog.

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Track your Screen Time

I would suggest you do this before you start your detox. You should know how often you are using it and for how long. This is key to understanding you. Some people don’t realize their usage and therefore don’t see the bigger issue. For iPhone users this is who you track it:

  • Go to settings
  • Click on screen time
  • Click on set screen time usage
  • Set to all app and website usage
  • You can also schedule downtime
  • Set limits on app use

You will be surprised how often you’re in any one app. For me I like to see how often I’m in my blog app vs the social apps. My business is online however since most apps you can set content ahead of time I want to know how much time I’m writing and making blogs vs. being on social media. As much as I do make money on the apps it really requires the biggest engagement the first 15 minutes of a posted content. The other time is all me.

I think we all can benefit to some degree to a form of social media detox. How you choose to do it is up to you. Are you with me? Willing to do a digital detox? Join in and let me know after 30 days how you feel? I think you will “see” yourself in a better light afterwards! Take the challenge today!

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