
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

3rd quarter

Happy 3rd quarter. As the year continues to progress and rather fast if I must say, we need to a wellness check-in. From our mental health, health, and more it’s a great time to make sure that we are putting ourselves as a priority. So what areas do you need to do a revamp in.

3rd quarter

Mental Wellness Check-up for 3rd Quarter

When was the last time you spoke to your doctor about your wellness. The days of going to the doctor and letting them ask questions are over. Appointments have changed since Covid-19. Using our time wisely is important regardless if it’s in-person or online (telehealth). Ask questions. Be honest. Just like those around us, doctors can’t help you map out a plan if you aren’t honest about where you are. Don’t be shy or ashamed. You aren’t the only person struggling right now in various areas. If they prescribed medicine for your mental wellness and it feels as if it’s not working-speak up. Medicine in due time should help you. If the side effects are too much-say that. The doctor/patient relationship is a two way street.

3rd quarter

Continue Being Active in this Quarter

I know we looking to be flewed out and increasing vacation vibes, but don’t forget to be active. Take your workouts outside. Be vigilant in being consistent. When you find you aren’t being consistent the magic time to start over is as soon as you discover you have fallen off. We all have moments when we fall off from our regiment. Don’t stress over the stop and start over. Eventually you will get to the consistency you desire. Don’t stress. Get active. Find others to join. Work out with others. If you live alone as many do, consider using free apps like YouTube and more.

3rd quarter

Consider looking for new classes. The time to look for Fall workout is now. Don’t let the good ones that you really want to fill up. No money for the gym? You’re not alone. Instead of being bummed out for what you don’t have-get creative. Five Below or other discount stores have some of the best barebone minimum to increase a work out. Don’t do the whole buy a bunch of home equipment that goes unused. Dedicate a small budget until you become consistent. As you become consistent than reward yourself with new equipment instead of splurging right off the bat.

3rd quarter

Summer Spending and Saving

Like many the Summer months have proven to be quite expensive. When Beyonce said we “outside” she didn’t account for the money it takes to do so. Get a budget or tighten the budget. This doesn’t mean that you can’t have fun you just have to be willing to be creative. This next quarter isn’t going to get any less expensive. They say a recession is coming or we are already in one. Pay down debt. Consider a side hustle. Everyone has at least once talent that you can tap in right now to make some money. Either way, let’s save where we can and find a way to cut down on bills. Also many celebrate Christmas in July. This is a great time to start holiday budgeting.


So the 3rd quarter will come with its own challenges. However no matter what area that we need work on, let’s make a plan that fits our life and lifestyle. Take care of you and be mindful of others too. You got this. Anyone else surprised how fast time seems to be flying?


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