
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

What are you doing with your 24 hours?  People who are about their business know that every minute counts. People who just want to complain and have no action plan don’t utilize their time well.

We all have busy lives.  We all have deadlines for something that needs our attention. The people who are the most successful are the ones who don’t have a problem with making things happen by finding ways to get it done.  We often say if I had more this and that, however it’s not in the resources that you have but your willingness to use what you have and ability to find more. 

It’s time to not sit around wasting our day saying I wish I could.  Turn I wish I could to how can I make this happen.  There’s literally more ways to make a dream happen now than ever before.  With social media, etc you are limitless.

I heard someone say today that because their relationship failed or was failing they couldn’t do anything for themselves.  I stopped and said what in the world.  Let’s be clear I’ve broken hearts and had my heart broken a time or two.  However the ability to not let anything including relationships stop a dream has to be key.

Think about it in terms of marriages.  People think that a mate has to share in all visions you have as an individual.  Wrong.  Your mate doesn’t have to share the vision but support it.  God has placed different things in us all you can’t think that the vision you have has to be identical to your mate.  That’s where the I would do this and that if my mate would do it for me comes from.  No. You are one and united in marriage but you are still responsible for your dreams.  If you have the mate you need to have for your life everything about your goals will be supported by your mate.

We can’t sit and wait for anything to drop in our laps.  We must be willing to allow God to direct us and create it.  Opportunities are all around us the ones who snatch it are different than the ones who sit, do nothing and just merely exist.  Please also understand the thousand times you will hear no or have a door close.  You can’t be paralyzed by failure.  The failure isn’t in the dream but in not doing anything about the dream. 

What do you have to lose?  A whole lot of time, tears, and frustration from your dream deferred.  Let’s take back our time and make the best of it.  Its true time waits for no one.  What you gonna do?


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