Come from Away takes us back to the unimaginable day of September 11th. In Gander, New Foundland over seven thousandpassengers from various planes were diverted for days as they awaited clearance from the Aviation to continue to their final destinations. Based on a true story this musical is everything we still need to comfort us in tragedy, make us human again, and employ empathy to strangers in their time of need.

What to know before you go to Come from Home
This show is only 90 minutes without any intermission. It will be important for you to be on time. Trust me you do not want to miss anything. I know that when many enter the Academy of Music, they see the first bar and concessions but flow into the theatre there are least two or more that move a little quickly. I got my concessions in less than 5 minutes. I would caution bringing a child younger than 10 years. There are adult themes that you may not want to expose them to. It will tug on your heart but also make you laugh.

There is also a featured cocktail called the Gander Mule. This is a Moscow Mule but made well and balanced. Due to no intermission make sure you give yourself enough time to go to the facilities and get in your seat. This production start on time. Stay to the end and enjoy a great musical number at the end. The show ends this Sunday at 1pm.

What to do After you leave the show
Since I have seen the show before and have already reviewed it before I want to focus on what to do post show. Your emotions could be all over the place. Many of us know exactly where we were when tragedy hit. There are many in the audience who are solemn and many who will cry silently. It is a reminder of the strength we possess when we put the needs of others above our own. This is a beautiful story that are based on real events. I went home and watched something light. Everyone will react differently. Since it was like my 3rd-4th time my emotions weren’t as raw as it was the first time.

Lastly ask yourself how you can assist. For instance, we are in troubled times without planes. There may be a time where we will need to gather resources and more. So do that now. Start gathering for such a time that may come ahead.
The Performers of Come Away
I don’t know if these are the same exact actors that I have seen before but one thing that remains is that they are dynamic. The acting is so good, and the musical numbers are by far some of my favorites in a musical. My personal standouts were Hannah-Kathyrn Wall. Her voice was impeccable, and she was hilarious. In addition, Justin Phillips was a strong stand out for me too. Andrew Hendrick is a star.

Take Aways from Come from Away
Everyone is leaving with something different. I left with the sense of community. It’s been over 14 years since these tragedies, and I remember the anxiety I felt. Now we have new things on the horizon and community building is on the top of my list. Why? I want to be able to make sure those who need support especially we have a better understanding of what mental health is and looks like.

Make sure you see this show if you are in Philly. If you aren’t check out the listing to see when it comes to you. Thank you to Come from Away, Allied Global, and Ensemble Philly Arts for having me. May we all carry the spirit of community and care as we go about our daily lives. Get your tickets now!