
Mental Wellness and Self Care Queen

self love

We all know by now that self love is the best love. Often times we as women can encourage others in ways we don’t or won’t for ourselves. Nothing about the leaving us last is okay. As we increase our love for ourselves we know that putting the mask on ourselves is super important in life. Knowing about self love and practicing it can be difficult to do in this get it done world and life.

Write Down One Thing we Love about Ourselves

This is a great activity to do. Even with it being the second month of the year. Write it down and keep it in a jar. Trust me there will be days where doing this will seem more like a chore. However once you are done. You will have created affirmations for yourself for those moments where you second guess yourself. The purpose of this activity is to increase the self love. There are things that we should be able to love about yourself daily that don’t repeat from the day or time before. If saying affirmations seem unnatural to you, that’s okay. Acknowledge how that uncomfortableness makes you feel. It in those moments where you realize the lack of care you are giving your greatest asset-YOU!

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Start Something New

Find one activity that you love but have felt uneasy to try. For instance, you may have wanted to be a makeup artist but lack skills. Although you may not necessarily have MAC calling your name, you can dedicate one night a week or twice a month to learn a new skill. There are many qualified make up artists that look like us that you can become you go to. Take that time to learn that skill and watch your self love blossom. It’s not about the activity it’s all about giving yourself permission to step out of your comfort zone and love it.

Make/Enjoy your Favorite Meal for Just You

We all have to eat. Sometimes we cook meals just for eating sake. But taking the time to make the meal that makes your heart leap can be a love language too. Don’t make it for anyone else. Set this time to dine either in or have fun going out to indulge. It’s like a self love mini date that we all need every now and again.

Treat Yo Self

Yes we all know that finances may not be what we like. That’s okay. Take the time out within a budget to achieve the same sentiments. I used to go to Ulta Beauty with 40-50 dollars and get things like body butters, body scrubs, or other make up items I needed. This hour inside that store was all that I needed for a little self love moment. It was making sure those around me knew not to disturb me. Also in case anyone needed a nudge there are amazing Black owned products that we can snag while there.

self love

Get Outside in Nature

Something about a little Vitamin C that can do wonders. Nature has a calming effect on the brain. It may be a little chilly where you are. Do not discount a brisk walk. During that time have a little talk with yourself. Remind yourself how amazing you are. Clear your head. Give yourself permission to accept you flaws and all. Remember how wonderfully made you really are.

self love

Shake Something

We all need movement. So take that moment a little step higher. You will shock yourself. Take a dance class. Don’t have the funds? Use YouTube. Trust me you will feel amazing moving a little something. What says you love yourself than movement for health and self love? This may be shocking to some but one of the personal ways I increased my body confidence after having child number 3 was pole dancing. Although it may be out of your comfort zone, pole dancing taught me to appreciate learning something new. It also made me grateful for upper body strength too.

Create Something

Creativity is a great way to show some love of self. You can try a new recipe. Make a dish. Learn how to sew. Be creative and allow yourself to do so without judgement. You can create a sip and paint for one and enjoy making a mess or beautiful art.

self love

Say Thank You to A Compliment

When someone gives you a compliment the only thing we should say is thank you. For example, someone says nice shoes-simply say thank you. Not “these old things,” “really,” or “oh these were on sale.” Unless they say a compliment and ask you where you got them should a follow up happen. Sometimes we are so used to not getting them that we act as if it has to earned. Get used to thank you.

Self love

Take a Day Off

I know we want to be Super women but even Superman had to take off his cape. Take a day off you deserve it. You don’t have to have elaborate plans. Get the ones you are responsible out the door and simply enjoy. Don’t have a plan. Some rest. A long shower. A favorite movie. It’s all worth it and you are worthy of a renewal.

Red Lip

When I was growing up wearing red or other empowering color, hairstyle, etc. was taboo. So now I wear a red lip and I feel beautiful, fierce, and loving in it. Do not be afraid to step out of the norm.

self love



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