The time to think ahead is now especially if you deal with seasonal depression. Spring is nearing and that hope is sometimes all you need to finish our winter season. Here are 20 activities to look forward to that also help with wellness.

Spring Cleaning
This is one of my favorite activities to do. It’s the cleaning that generally helps with my personal wellness. I thrive in clean spaces. So you can imagine how difficult it has been living with my husband who doesn’t share the same level of cleaning as I do. We have learned to fuse our lives together by being clear on household division of chores and being committed to working together.

Spring cleaning involves a full house revamp. This means wiping walls, cleaning window seals, and more. In order to start your Spring on the right foot let’s get prepared for a good clean. Here are my things to grab from my Amazon store. Another suggestion since we are always online is to follow the queen herself, Niki Side of Clean on TikTok. You may not have all of her gadgets but I get my behind up and clean with her every time.
Take your Workouts Outside
I love running and I have a few runs planned this Spring! Some of these runs are for fitness while some are for fun. Either way movement outdoors is a great idea. Consider taking classes you haven’t done before. Do golf, pickle ball, tennis and more. Being outdoors just feels right. Remember being outdoors for 10 minutes a day does wonders for your mental health.

Schedule your Annual Checkups
It’s always a good thing to check into your health which includes mental and physical health. Be honest with your doctors. If they ask or not be forthcoming as this is a huge help to you being your best. I’ve already set my appointments for dental and my gynecologist too.
Shop your closet
This is the time to give away clothes you do not wear or can’t fit. Everyone loves to shop for Spring clothes but before you swipe your card, shop your closet. There should be staples that you have that you can build up outfits. Remember that adding pops of color is always a great idea.

Take a Pottery Class
I took one in the winter and I can’t explain it. Using creativity is one of the best ways to aid in your wellness. Think about taking a pottery class. The second your foot hits the potters wheel and more you will open and unlock something on the inside of you. It you’re looking for a spot in Philly here are a few classes:
Skin Care Rejuvenation
Every season your skin needs different things. If you think you can’t afford a facial you may need to reconsider. Facials are become more accessible for all. From a 30 minute facial to more detailed one there is one in every price point. When you get one also ask what products you need to maintain! Here are my top spots:
- Glowbar
- Heyday
Become a Plant Parent
This is a great way to bring the outdoors indoors. Also learning how to take care of a plant trust me takes patience and care. I already have 2 new plant babies on my list to grab. The simple care of plants helps to bring a little sunshine into your world.

Retreat for Spring
You can do this by researching retreats or also going on a Spring trip. This can be a weekend or longer. For instance I did a great staycation here in the city. You can go on a personal vacation too. For instance I plan to go to Colorado. There are amazing retreats in the area. Do a glamping trip with friends. There are many outside of New York which makes it a few hours from me.

You are already on your phones use Google to find what you want. Also one thing I’ve learned is doing these trips helps you focus your money. You won’t overspend when you focus where your money is going for the things you want.
Garden or Increase Flowers into your world
I’m not a gardener. I desire to do so but it’s not on the top of my list. However I do love increasing flowers into the home. You don’t need Spring to do so but the flowers that are in season change and that makes it fun. So grab a few bouquets and make your own. My top spot is to Trader Joe’s. They are inexpensive. Also a Farmer’s Market is a great place to find inexpensive flowers too.

Wine anyone?
For my wine drinkers it’s one thing to get it at a store but it’s time to to your local winery. Many wineries have monthly offerings. Take advantage of them. I enjoy my local ones and have partnered up with them in the past too. They make great gifts for wine drinkers in your life too.
Here are a few other activities for your wellness to consider:
- Outdoor sport
- Rollerskating
- Walks in the park
- New journey for this season
- Yoga
- Meditation
- Pedicure
- Bike riding
- Take a roadrip
- Go and have a tea experience
- Spring music list
- Learn a new creative art
Spring activities in Philadelphia:
Philadelphia has a lot to offer:
- Cherry Blossom festival
- Spruce street Harbor park
- Philly Beer fest
- PHS Flower Show

So I’ll keep you updated on more Philly activities to look forward to. However the time to think ahead as we get ready to Spring ahead is now. Trust me I’m holding onto my edges waiting for the winter to be over. You’re not alone.